Friday, June 22, 2018

Wisconsin 2018–Day 1

Oh my goodness, since the very day—about seven weeks ago—when we booked airfare and called m’older bro to say, Guess what? We’re coming to your house that you just moved into and we’re bringing the whole crazy gang! we’ve been counting down to the days ‘til our inaugural trip to Wisconsin!

And what a stinking perfect first day it was.

The early morning (direct) flight was on time.

The girlies did so well with their new iPad minis that we finally broke down and purchased.

And Little Man, well, let’s say at least we survived the flight with him, ha. (More later, but his I’m-a-boy-who’s-approaching-three-years-old phase has kicked in big time.).

And then we managed to see and do everything on the agenda. With only one teensy tiny breakdown (from Chica) around 5 p.m., when it was moderately understandable that she was exhausted, ha.

First, we had a fantastic and belly-filling trip to the Public Market (where we ate our way through everything we could possibly sample).

Then we got a fun audio tour of downtown (via speakerphone with older bro, who was in a seperate car) on our way to The Domes—which are the coolest horticultural setups evah.

I mean...three dimes, each with a distinct theme and tons to see. The kiddos actually ran through one of them a second time, of their own accord, ha.

Can you spot the humans over yonder??

Then after an hour drive and a quick Walmart stop (the cause of the breakdown), we finally drove trough picturesque Kohler and made it to the Uncles’ new house!

I can’t believe it, but I was so caught up in the calm and quaint beauty of the village that I was unprepared when we turned down the street and were right there at their gorgeous, homey, 92-year-old home! I totally cried! And then squealed a bit, ha.

We got the full tour of the beautiful abode, but al the kiddos really cared about was attacking the poor cats, who fled for cover for awhile, ha.

We had a lovely dinner outside in the gorgeousness, and the kiddos got out the last of their energy, before promptly passing out after bath time. 

It was such a good day.

I can’t wait for more little adventures tomorrow!

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