Saturday, October 13, 2018

Kiddo Tidbits—Chicklet


I adore, adore, adore so many things about having tiny children.

But when it comes to our insane-in-the-membrane schedule, the biggest or most extravagant takeaway from our day (like a milestone or a project or an outing) is what I post about on any given day.

Which means the zillions of little tidbits that are so beautiful and unique and funny in the lives of our family sort of fall by the wayside.

So here’s a post with nothing but RANDOMS about my beauuuuutiful babies and the things they say, they like, they do and they wear these days.

(Admittedly, I’m gonna try to skew this toward Chicklet and Little Man, since I feel like Chica gets a little more posting love due to her status as eldest—and therefore, the milestone paver—and the most willing photographic subject, ha.)

Okay, heeeeere we go!


1. Doesn’t go anywhere without something to hold or play with or fidget with. A stuffed animal, a small toy, a block that she’s pretending is something else. She has to have a thing. Always

2. She names everything (that she deems important enough to name) either Leo or Cleo. And I lurv it. I suspect this originated from a very old Sofia episode with a character named Cleo. Also, she still doesn’t pronounce her L’s properly in most words, so Leo sounds like “Weo” and I sort of adore that even more. 

3. She still has a wildly awesome imagination, and often tells me, “pretend I’m a unicorn (or cat or ghost or a horse, or whatever is on her mind that day) and that you don’t see me.” And then, she’ll crawl around me and nuzzle against my leg, or hide around corners, and I’m expected to engage with her, but not really see her, ha.

4. She loves to play I Spy in the car, but it’s an unspoken rule that I’m never supposed to actually guess correctly. 

5. She’s currently the biggest scaredy-cat of my three babies, and just wants to be with someone at all times. 

6. She’s a meticulous crafter (loves to follow instructions by studying the picture on any given craft kit), and when we paint, she almost always takes every color I’ve put on her paper plate and then swirls them all together to make one, nondescript color. So this rainbow paint job from last week was unique and adorable for her, since she left the colors un-swirled. ;)

7. She’s an unabashed snuggler. Probably the snuggliest of all my kiddos at present. By the end of every meal, she’s usually sitting on the bench in my lap. And I secretly dig it.

8. Randomly, the more she wants to snuggle (or, more accurately, the more she claims she’s cold), the more she might need to go potty but doesn’t want to say so.

9. She’s obsessed with this inexpensive, super-soft blanket I bought a couple months ago st TJ Maxx and hauls it around the house and even on school drop-offs in the morning. It’s pretty much just hers.

10. When I’m putting Little Man to bed (reading his book and singing his song), she’ll often sneak in the room still wet from her bath with no pajamas yet and just a towel like a cape. And she’ll snuggle up next to us on the arm of the glider and finish the book and song with us. Unless Daddy locates her first. ;)

11. She’s doing an awesome job at school and writing her name (quite meticulously, I might add), and just glows under the praise I heap on her. I mean, she just blossoms from it.

12. She expresses her favor of the day when choosing which parent to put her down for bed that evening, ha. Daddy and I get mock competitive about it. ;)

13. At bedtime, she’s just as likely to sing me a totally made-up bedtime song than listen to an existing one.

14. She loves to drive with the windows down on the way to school drop-offs, and is ecstatic when we see any pets along the way.

15. She still mostly just fake-smiles for pics, but I’m thrilled that I get that much cooperation from her these days, ha.

16. She sometimes utilizes a fake grandma with crazy hair (her description) when trying to convince me of things that aren’t gonna fly. Like: my grandma says I can get a dog. Or: my grandma says that I can stand on this chair and jump off.

She used to sometimes have a fake mom, as well, that was far more lenient than I, and it would drive me crazy when she talked about this alleged mother in public, because: a) this fake mother was far too unhinged a parent for my taste, and b) if people overheard Chicklet, they thought I wasn’t her mother, ha. 

17. When trying to convince me of something, she often says, “that’s what peoples do.” Not people. Peoples

18. She loves Octonauts. It’s probably her most oft-requested show at present.

19. She secretly lurvs girly nightgowns, but isn’t very vocal about it. But she really prefers to complete the ensemble with her princess heels, tiara and purse. It’s a whole look.

20. She selects her clothes almost solely based on the softness of the fabric. So I’ve come to just touch-test everything with her, and, thank heavens, velvet for this Fall and Winter is still a golden bet.

21. When she comes with me to my bedroom for her mandated “quiet time,” she usually liters my bed with tons of her random toys and odds and ends. Then I’ll climb in it later and find magnetic blocks, or a figurine, or some ear muffs. Naturally.

22. Every day, when we arrive at school, she likes to step over to the side and look out “at the beautiful.”

23. There is a fish tank at her school and she always likes to stop and find the tiny, yellow, “baby” one.

24. Her favorite color is “Cat Boy.” Or blue, to translate.

25. She loves being with her siblings far more than being without them. She doesn’t care for one-on-one outings. The more family, the merrier, as far as she’s concerned.


Okay...that’s a long enough list that I’ll have to save the other kiddos for another day!

But in case you can’t tell, I ADORE my Chicklet and all the tiny things that make her so lovable—though this is just a drop in the bucket of things I can remember at present

Still, I’m soooooo glad I wrote them down so I never forget them because they’re priceless.

Over and out, peeps!

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