Friday, October 12, 2018

Working Around the Rain

So...I probably could’ve just tied this stuff in with the last post, but I impulsively wrapped it up before I could do something heinous like fall asleep at a decent hour of the evening, ha.


Luckily, bites of chocolate truffle tower cake are still powering me with some midnight energy, so I’ll share the rest of our outdoor-related fun of late before I lose my steam and my battery (human, not phone) turns off.

So, basically, our outdoor fun has been going something like this: it begins with mud, it involves mud, and it ends with mud and gunk and annoying, frustrating clean-up.


As much as I’ve loved the rain, I’ve hated the aftermath. 


I mean, after a Wednesday walk to the pond with Chicklet’s little dance class friend (and sister and Mama), my kiddos were covered in mud.

Their shoes were catastrophic, their clothes immediately went into the wash, and I spent a gross portion of my second-shift time (you know, the laundry and clean-up hours after the kiddos are down) beating mud off the shoes, then scraping more off with a knife, and then scrubbing them with an ever-loving brush. When, really, I just wanted to set them on fire.

I mean...just poke me in the eyeballs with toothpicks.



The outdoor fun has not been had (except for our dinosaur outing!) and even our playground time at school pick-up has been limited due to weather (either crazy hot or rainy) and...MUD.

Have I mentioned I’m over the mud???


With another super-rainy weekend upon us, when I spotted a brief opening this morning, I tossed this younger two in their boots, shoved bubble wands in their ecstatic hands, and hauled them on a happy and much-needed walk.

We even took time to explore every neighbor’s spooky decorations. :) 

I mean, it really made me feel sort of crappy how happy these nuggets were to be out and exploring. 

Our walks (and bike rides, for that matter) took a forced hiatus this summer due to Chicklet’s great leg break, and I’m just realizing how much we’ve missed that fresh air time.

I know daylight savings will soon be upon us, but for a few weeks at least, I might try to get in a routine of early evening walks with my nuggets.

We’ve gotta take advantage while we can.


The forecast is downright chilly come Monday!

So...wish me luck with some outdoor indulgence.

And wish me patience with the dang MUD.

Over and out.

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