Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Some Alfresco Living

So...I’ve made no secret of the fact that this move has been one helluva rough time. Anything that could go wrong certainly has—and more (understatement of the millennium).


There’s one major bonus about our new SA house and life:

The backyard.


It’s pretty dang glorious for us, since we had a pretty small (but lovely) backyard at our last house, and most definitely did not have a pool. And although I’ll get into my major pool fears and angst with three young kiddos in a whole separate post...in general, I’m just trying to enjoy the space for all that it is. A super awesomesauce, happy area for play and outdoor family time.

So this weekend, we trekked to Tarjay, with a hoard of gift cards I’d squirreled away for a year or so, and bought a dining table. And only had to pay for the umbrella and chairs. Win/win!

Now, I ask you: does this look like a tiny human in a state of wild relaxation??? I think so.

Apparently, clothing is optional for our outdoor dining. ;)

Check out her cobra move—courtesy of Wild Kratts viewing, hehe.

I mean, could this be any more picturesque?? The pool was drained and power scrubbed last week, and, ta-da! It’s clean! Also...hi, Nanna! She’s been in town for a few days and I’ve been so slow to post lately that I don’t think I’ve mentioned it!

Squirt gun shenanigans are a-plenty.

I seriously think we’re going to have some fantastic times out here this summer. And sometime soon, I’ll have to take some pics for persepective’s sake, to show you the second tier of the backyard that’s totally wild (and I mean that in a literal, unlandscaped way, ha).

And now...some bonus pics of my two youngest being all cute instead of beating each other up during errands yesterday. :)

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