Monday, June 10, 2019

Inaugural VBS!

Oh my goodness, what a major—and majorly fun!—milestone we hit today!

The girlies attended their first day of their first week ever of Vacation Bible School. Woohoo!

I’ve thought about enrolling them in summers past (well, truly, last year was the first I came close), but scheduling and slight concerns that Chicklet hadn’t yet been in a classroom environment kept me from doing it.

And, man, do I feel like it all worked out like it was meant to. Because this new church of ours has been a big blessing so far, in terms of connecting with the messaging and feeling comfortable in the environment. But this VBS experience has just taken things to a whole, new level!

I guess it should be said that this is a pretty huge church we’re now attending—in terms of membership and the campus itself. And, ironically, that’s one thing that worried us in the beginning, since it would be quite easy to get lost in the shuffle of such a massive organization.

But. Like I said, our connection so far has been so seamless that we’ve put those concerns aside in favor of just soaking it all in. Including this massive production of a VBS week that has over one thousand students enrolled. One thousand! Insane.

And insanely organized! With hundreds upon hundreds of volunteers, this is one well-oiled machine, peeps. It’s wildly impressive. And that made it so much easier to just hype it up for the girlies and not worry about anything.

Heeeere they are in the car on the way there, totally pumped about kicking things off.

And Little Mam.

So, the cutoff age for VBS is four years old, so he was just shy of the deadline. I actually signed up for volunteer opportunities for the “nursery” age children in hopes that I could just hang with him there, but they apparently had all needs covered by the late date that I offered up help! And I just worried that without me, he wouldn’t be too pumped to be left there and not truly be involved in the fun.

So...we turned it into a Mama/Little Man day. Woohoo!

I really hyped up the idea of us spending time together, doing whatever he wanted. And I was a total sucker and let him buy a toy today so that he’d have something to show off to his sissies when they came home raving about all that they did. And it worked like a charm. :)

His choice for activity today, hehe. We attempted a Spider-Man that kinda sorta worked, ha.

And tomorrow, he’s asked to play PJ Masks and superheroes. And to go get a Sonic slushee. Ha. Such simplistic requests that we can totally handle. :)

I was thrilled to bits and pieces to pick up the girlies and see their smiling faces and listen to their incessant, excited chatter about all they did. They had a blast!

And moreover, they’re totally pumped about going back tomorrow. :)

Such a happy first VBS experience that I hope will continue throughout the week.

A great way to kick off our first summer week!

More mañana.

Over and out. 

P.S. Bestill my heart when Chica said at the dinner table, “when life seems unfair, God is good.” And she and Chicklet chimed in together, loudly, “God is good!” 

Amen, my babies.

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