Tuesday, June 11, 2019

My Boy At 3.5

Okay, peeps. It’s time for some talk about my boy. The littlest love o’ my life, and one entertaining little bugger these days. Because, man, is he growing up and growing smart and growing fan-freaking-tastically.

First up, of many rapid-fire-funsie observations of my Little Man at age three-and-a-half:

1. Smarty Pants

Sunday, during brunch, he was sitting in my lap coloring while I was chatting with Daddy. And my Little Man looked up at me and said, “I’m writing ‘I love you, Mama’.”

And I looked down and saw a big, fat, perfect “L” and “O” on his page and it floored me.

I helped him with the “V” and then told him to do the “E,” which he did—and then I promptly made a mental note to be more proactive with some writing lessons, ‘cause he appears happy and willing!

2. Surprise Dimple

In a shock-the-crap outta me move...about a month ago, a cheek dimple appeared that’s just about the cutest thing in the whole wide world.

I read up online, and apparently they can appear—and disappear—throughout childhood, but I gotta say, I really hope this cuteness hangs around. Because if it does, we’ll hilariously have not one, but two kiddos with dimples (hello, Chicklet, who’s had hers since birth). How’d we manage to breed that kind of adorableness???

3. Potty Ease

Forget whatever you’ve heard or not heard about gender differences in potty training. From my personal, limited, focus-group-of-three experience, my Little Man has hands down been way easier than the girlies.

Now, I must admit that I’ve never, through three kiddos, been super-stressed about potty training. The girlies took soooooo daaaaang loooooong to get on board with the process, but I just didn’t care. We weren’t racing a school clock to get the job done, and I knew they wouldn’t be teenagers in diapers. And, hello—I birthed three babies in a little over three years, so I decided to focus on other things, ha.

So we just let go, and let flow.

And if you’ll pardon my hilarious pun...my Little Man has let the flow go quite well. :)

(And, no, concerned grandparents, I’m not worried about posting an adorable pic of my kiddo in his big boy undies, because if we were in Europe, this would just be his bathing suit.)

My boy even gets up in the morning and takes himself to his adjoining bathroom to potty, and that’s just freaking awesomesauce and something we never experienced with the girlies. Yaaaaaaaas, for independence!

4. Big Boy Bed Champion

And speaking of independence and getting up in the morning...my boy has slayed his Big Boy Bed transition. It literally has been a dream to worry about it so little.

Better still—he wakes up in the morning, opens his shutters, gathers his superhero books and toys onto his bed, and just plays and “reads” and remains happy and content in his room until I come get him. Can I get an Amen, Halleluiah?!

5. Superhero Surroundings

And speaking of room and happiness...he’s wildly in love with his totally superhero-ed room. And doesn’t miss the chance to show it off to anyone and everyone.

He even sweet-talked me into adding more pics to the wall than the original nine. 

I just can’t resist.

6. Superhero MANIA

And while we’re talking about superheroes...my boy is in WILD LOVE with all things super (as I’ve mentioned many times already). And I COULD NOT LOVE IT MORE.

I mean, it’s all superhero, all the time, and I am 100% on board. In fact, the other day, I was telling someone that I was really really hoping this stage would hang around, since it tickles me pink. And the lady I was speaking with hilariously reminded me that her husband is in his 40’s and still in the suphero stage, so I’m probably good to go, hehe.

Can’t WAIT until he’s old enough to watch the big boy movies with Daddy. He’ll just explode with happiness.

7. Clothes Opinions

I mean, in case any of the above isn’t crystal clear: superheroes are our LIFE, at the moment. And, naturally, that obsessive and all-consuming love can and is worn on my Little Man’s sleeve. Daily.

He has a whole line-up of more than a dozen superhero shirts and that’s all he wears (with the exception of church, when I get him in a polo).

I seriously love his interest and excitement (even when I loathe his frustratingly strong opinions).

So in short...my boy at three-and-a-half is eager to learn, obsessed, obsessed, obsessed with superheroes, super cute with his dimple and his clothes, and sleeping like a rock star.

Love this kid like MAD, and I can’t wait to see what he’s like at four. :)

P.S. Oh! One other major, MAJOR thing I forgot to share awhile back. He totally ditched his paci (that he only used at nightime) cold turkey, about six weeks ago!

We had a dentist appointment, and I totally used the poor doc as his excuse for giving it up. I was like, “sorry, buddy, the dentist says no more paci.” Way to deflect any blame and guilt from Mama, ha.

And he totally went for it!

Seriously, in six weeks, he’s only brought it up ONCE, and I could not not NOT be more grateful for the ease of it all. 

P.PS. Oh my goodness, this is a subject for another post, but there’s one other thing about my boy at 3.5 that just has to be said: he is obsessed with puzzles these days!!

I’ll share another day about our household puzzle mania in its entirety, but I just couldn’t post this without mentioning it.

I mean, he’s so into them, I keep one or two in just about every room—like here, in our master, hehe:

(Side note: I don’t think I’ve shared pics of the master bedroom yet, and it’s fairly situated, so I’ll remind myself to do that soon!$

So proud of my growing boy—and I’m having so much fun with him during our special quality time this week. :)

More mañana.

Over and out.

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