Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Tuesday DO-Day: Our Horseback Riding Adventure!

Oh. My. Heavens.

Yesterday, we had the most epic summer adventure that all began with this little lady:

(I mean, could she BE any cuter in that getup???)

So...basically, about a month ago, she woke up fresh from sleep, hair all askew, still warm from her cozy blankets, and looked up at me with her big, hazel eyes, and said, “Mama, I really wanna ride a horsey.”

I mean, it was full-on the cutest thing for her to say only seconds from waking. And not only was it freaking adorable, but it was also not the first time for her to make this request (perhaps because she loves all animals, and loves this Spirit children’s show with horses in it).

Needless to say, I looked her straight in the eye, made her a promise to get right on it, and called as soon as the business day was in full swing, and booked us some “horsey rides.” Ha.

Knowing we had a few busy weeks of wrapping up school and hosting some family members in town, I scheduled this lovely event a few weeks down the line to coincide with our first Tuesday DO-Day of the summer.

You know, one day a week when we’re going to try and have some sort of major adventure above and beyond something ordinary. And honestly, having something super-fun that we could count down to was part of the major anticipation for the kiddos! Hehe. (Though I was slightly worried when Chicklet continued to ask things like: how do I stand as I ride? Or, how do I hit the horsey and say “yee-haw” to make it go fast???)

Now, it should be said (confessed?) that I’ve just come to accept that I’m not the person that schedules this kind of fun and then leaves it at that. Nope. No, ma’am. Not me. 

Apparently, I’m the kind o’ crazy woman who schedules the fun, and then buys the cowboy boots and hilarious, sequined unicorn/“horsey” shirts (and new superhero shirt) for wildly patriotic ensembles, to make it not just an event, but an event. Ha. 

We woke up bright and early and eager to ride. And lucked out with an overcast morning to keep the heat down.

Now, I’m not gonna lie: when we finally made it there, things looked quite rustic. And by that, I mean...rustic. When I saw the portable potty, I worried I might not have investigated the environment well enough (yikes). But it turned out the rustic vibe was totally part of the charm for the kiddos (hello, roosters just walking across the dirt at our feet), there were a few other happy family groups milling around, as well, and the staff was so welcoming and kind. we went!

Beware what you touch, kiddos. That’s not dirt!

Blessedly, they wasted no time getting us saddled up (literally), so the kiddos only had a few minutes to wander before it was go time. Woohoo!

Now...this was around the time my mothering fear kicked in and I was like: No belt? Or seat belt thingy? Those horses are so high off the ground? Is this safe? Don’t we need some training? What if they let go of the reigns????


Thankfully, all three kiddos (including Little Man, who rode with me) were total pros—having a blast but staying focused and attentive and holding onto the reigns and keeping their feet in the stirrups. :)

The giddy smiles just slayed me. Happy, happy, joy, joy.

She was so excited and proud!

I mean, this was around the time—as we entered the full hour-long trail, through creeks and weaving in and out of beautiful woods—that I looked up and sent up a prayer of gratitude, beaming the whole time, so, dang thankful that this panned out as we hoped.

I mean, I had such high expectations, and it all totally lived up to everything I really really wanted it to be for the kiddos. 

And better still—Little Man did so well, when part of me feared he’d get bored after just a short time. But, no! He only started to ask how much longer when were about 45 minutes in. And I think that was only due to some slight saddle discomfort. And, man oh man, was he ticked pink when the horses had to take bathroom breaks along the way, ha. I even got a funny video of him hollering to his sissies about the horsey “potty-ing on the dirt!”.

I mean, seriously such a great adventure for us—followed up by a little down time with all the animals and random, entertaining “toys” around the property.

So...yay, for my beautiful Chicklet and her horsey request! And double yay for our first, wildly successful Tuesday DO-Day!!

Hopefully, there will be more summer adventure to come.

Happy Hump Day, peeps!

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