Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Flu For Two

We’re alive! And free from containment! Halleluiah!

So...when I last posted, eons ago, Chicklet had suddenly fallen ill with that dreaded virus, influenza. Boooooo, flu.

Her positive test at the pediatrician was on Friday morning, containment began immediately (with strict doctor’s orders that she was contagious for a full five days), and by Saturday...Mama bit the dust, too.

So now all these days later, I’m not gonna lie, I feel like I’m a bear reemerging from hibernation or something. I mean, the hubby was like a warden, full-on keeping us closed up in the master bedroom for the entirety of our contagious period.

No joke.

I mean, I will fully admit to being that mom who sometimes wishes for a small, but manageable virus, just to get a day or two of bed rest (you know about this secret wish, gals, don’t pretend like you’re above it). But this was far beyond my restful, wishful thinking.

We were down and out.

Crazy high fevers, searing us through the days and nights, vomiting, disorientation, just general YUCK. And now this glorious hacking cough that the doctor says we just have to get over (ha—as if) because it could linger for two to three weeks. OYE.

Good times, good times.

But, hey, I hope (I hope, I hope) we’ve made it through the worst, and can power forward and build our stamina. Until’s a look back at our sequestered time together:

Sick sleeping buddies:

Eating buddies (don’t be fooled—Chicklet requested this meal and we both pretended to actually eat it on our weak sauce tummies):

Electronics buddies (with vomit bucket on nightstand, glorious eh?):

Our warden coming in for grocery list check-ins:

More sick fevered and uncomfortable snuggling:

Starting to get restless, egging on the warden when he popped in:

Wistfully staring out the window:

Finally cabin fevered enough to sneak in a project or two for kicks and giggles on Day 4:

And...back to forced rest and recovery time:

All things considered, I must say that our master suite served as an excellent quarantine headquarters, ha. It gets lovely light throughout the day, we lucked out with generally crisp weather to allow for fresh, non-germy air to filter through, we had a pool view, and...we survived. Even if we missed the rest of the fam something fierce

But, DANG, am I glad to get back to routine. Weak sauce and all.

Wish us strength and health, peeps!

Over and out. 

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