Friday, July 24, 2020

Baby Cousin LOVE

Okay, peeps.

Taylor Swift dropped a surprise new album today, and that was super exciting.

But we FINALLY got to meet the new baby cousin in our family today, and that was super duper beyond-amazing-wonderful-fantastic exciting. Because we’ve been loving on this li’l bit from afar for ten weeks, biding our time until the big meet and greet. So it was a banner day. :)

Not much to say, other than the fact that I already love her to bits and pieces and bits, and she is just the CUTEST and well-tempered little nugget on the face of the earth.

Oh, and the little disclaimer that I got parental permission to post these, as I always try to do when showing faces of minors. 

So, heeeeere you go!

It was pretty much the highlight of each of my kiddos’ month to be able to take a turn holding her (carefully, and with masks!).

They were pretty gentle with her—though they couldn’t stop petting her, ha.

A little snooze...

Then awake, again. :)

More holding...

Do I see a smile???!

Oh, and can I just say how hysterical it was when Chicklet came to find me with the declaration, “Mama, you missed all the action!” Because my three crazies got to witness a stinky diaper change and it was beyond thrilling.

So thrilling, in fact, that Chicklet kept claiming to smell something, just to try and con us in to another change. And she was positively thrilled when baby girl had a little explosion that prompted the “action” again—and I got to do the honors that time, much to Chicklet’s delight. Hehe.

More snoozing...

And I got in some niece snuggles. Happy, happy, joy, JOY.

Seriously adore this little beauty.

And little bro and his wife are rockstar, cool cucumber parentals.

So grateful to be able to see this newest family member in person, amidst this Covid age. Makes the contact all the more precious.

Happy Friday, peeps.

Over and out.

P.S. Bonus pics of my babies on our evening bike ride after dinner.

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