Monday, August 31, 2020

Crossover Learning, Part 3: Science FUN

Okay, peeps.

I’m so close to the finish line!

My migraine eyelids are heavy, but I think I can complete this triple post night!

Again, to refresh: I’m posting a trio of really lovely crossover learning moments we’ve experienced this past week that marry things we’ve enjoyed at home with things the kiddos are learning in (virtual) school.

It’s SO GREAT to see things coalesce like this.

Every little moment reinforces the time that’s spent trying to fill my crazies with beautiful things in their brains. And that’s the kind of positivity all parents can use right now!

So...the first crossover was with Chicklet’s science/weather assignment, and a project we enjoyed at home.

The second crossover was with Chicklet’s virtual library lesson and our original doodle LOVE.

And this final crossover involved our Monday, Science FUN Day experiments, and a science lesson of Chica’s last week.

Heeeeere we go!

Basically, Chica’s focus during her science lessons last week was all about the steps of an experiment. From hypothesis to conclusion, and everything involving safety and accuracy in between.

The teacher conducted experiments each day (via zoom) for the kiddos to watch and catalogue on their worksheets.

And then the culmination of this learning involved Chica conducting and documenting an experiment of her choosing.

And lemme tell ya how fun and familiar this all was, coming off the heels of our summer Monday, Science FUN Days!

And in a way, it was a fitting conclusion to those Monday experiments of ours, and sort of a way to pass the baton to the teachers and (virtual) school for the time being :)

Naturally, Chica was pumped to do something so familiar. And as soon as Chicklet and Little Man caught wind of the fun, they were all in, as well.

Chica chose a simple but really fun little experiment that involved filling a bag with water and “magically” poking holes in it with pencils that didn’t cause any leaks. :) The gist being that polymers are flexible and can form a temporary seal.


Please note two things for the following pics.

First: my lovely birthday crown and cape, bestowed upon me by my kiddos.

And, second: we probably did this experiment five times, just for kicks and giggles. We did it once with just Chica alone, taking a video for her assignment and narrating the whole thing, and it was adorable. And then we did it over and over, just for the fun of it.

So simple. So entertaining :)

You know...I think in another life I could have been a happy homeschooling Mama.

At least for these elementary years (before the lessons outsmart me).

And I suppose, in a way, I’m getting my small dose of reality—the good, the bad, and the cumbersome—with that pipe dream at the moment, ha.


That said.

If the start of a new school year and seeing every detail of my kiddos’ learning up close and personal in this virtual world has taught me anything, it’s that the expansion of young minds is such an awe-inspiring thing when you throw new teachers, new platforms and new education tools into the mix.

Diversification is awesomesauce.

And I’m so glad for it.


Okay, this endeth the crossover learning trifecta of posts.


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