Thursday, April 1, 2021

A Change Of Scenery

Well, peeps.

The kiddos and I made the long drive from San Antonio to Tulsa yesterday, and we managed to keep our sanity pretty well in tact.

And I think it was truly the best thing in the world for us to get outta dodge for a few days while the restoration work on the house was barreling ahead at such a frenetic pace.

Better still, we made a pit stop in our old McKinney stomping grounds to have a short visit with one of Chica’s very dear little friends, and it did our hearts such good to be there. And it was just the play-and-food break we needed, before completing the final four hours of our journey.

Then today, this exhausted Mama slept way in, and then we spent a fun bit busy afternoon running some low-key errands about town, and really enjoying the Springtime vibes.

Baby cousin arrived in town by mid-afternoon (it’s her baptism weekend!) and the kiddos are massively obsessed, so they were riding high on life.

And then we capped the day by actually riding...bikes.

Definitely needed this breather from our home chaos, and it serves the lovely dual purpose of being present for the baptism on a beautiful Easter weekend.

Hubby stayed behind to oversee some of the major stages of painting and pool restoration, but he joins us tomorrow—woohoo.

May be a short and sweet trip, and my back might be broken from the car time when we arrive back in SA on Sunday, but I’ll take it!

Stay healthy, stay sane, peeps.

Over and out. 

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