Thursday, June 24, 2021

Wisconsin 2021–Day 3

Well, peeps.

After a glorious few days of really high-impact fun, we were able to take it super easy this morning and enjoy pajama life in the gloom and cocoon of a thunderstorm.

It was so nice to just enjoy some time in the house for a low-key breakfast and lunch (featuring the best salad with amazeballs lettuce straight from the backyard garden). Oh! And a gluten-free, dairy-free strawberry cake made with our fresh picks from yesterday.

And then, the activity really ramped back up with a special treat that Uncle Caleb arranged, thanks to his new job as the Director of Marketing and Development for the local humane society.

A special half hour visit with a litter of kittens that were just brought in a couple days ago. Squeeeeee!

It was looking like Chica was going to be pretty blue for the rest of the day after leaving the kittens (and worrying about adoption), BUT…we rallied after a popcorn stop and a visit to Sheboygan Falls.

Apparently, all kiddos really need is a lovely patch of grass and their two legs to run around and go nuts. 

This is us on the “winner’s platform” after a LOT of time spent doing competitive cartwheels, and some timed laps racing around a pretty giant path.

And, yes, older bro and I might need a bit o’ Advil tonight. ;) But we were in it to win it!

Another wonderful day here in Wisconsin, and a lovely night out to dinner, capped by the happy running-around-in-the-grass that the kiddos are obsessed with. :)

Happy Thursday, peeps!

Over and out. 

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