Monday, July 12, 2021

My July Babies (Window Day Edition)

Well, peeps.

We’re at a net-neutral for the day, with one positive and one negative.

Positive—I think I might have finally turned a corner on the migraine pain. So, Amen, Halleluiah.

Negative—the window installation went about as I expected. Which is to say that two windows were built according to the wrong dimensions, so now we have another four month wait for those. So a project that was supposed to take 6-7 weeks in total will now clock in at around EIGHT MONTHS by the time we wrap things up…in November. :( I mean…seriously. And to think, I wasn’t even surprised by the bad news.

Alas, despite the annoyance of this window project that was NEVER supposed to stretch this far and become this annoying, it was kind of nice to be stuck at home for yet another day while the contractors were at work. :)

We’ve been steadily popping our activity balloons and enjoying simple, joyful times as a result. And we also managed a few other key bits of summertime entertainment, so—woohoo!

Also. Could my babies BE any cuter during our evening bike ride???

Love these crazy nuggets.

Emphasis on the crazy.

But to rewind…we began our day with solid snuggles:

And proceeded with with a breakfast-time tea party (per the popped activity balloon):

And then, after some solid school work, the fun continued with puzzles in the dining room when we had to escape the chaos of window installation in the kitchen and playroom:

Then after lunch, we had to burrow in the master bedroom for quiet time (again, window chaos), but this Mama actually got some closet and cabinet cleaning done, so win/win:

And then, when we just couldn’t contain ourselves within the bedroom any longer, we did our first doodle of the summer!! A happy pinneaple.

And, yeah, sure, my kiddos were all a little emotionally unstable during doodles (as Nanna can attest, since she was on FaceTime), but we still powered through and managed it.

And—thank heavens—Daddy arrived home pretty much on time, just as I finished this pretty chicken.

And then we took our crazies on a much needed WALK (er, bike ride).

So…all good things, even during the emotionally unstable and frustrating parts.

A few new windows.
A tea party.
School work.
Quiet time.
A walk.

A super SOLID summer day.

Now, let’s hope we can wrap up this window debacle tomorrow (at least until it picks back up in November) without much pain, and continue on with our low-key week!

Happy Monday, peeps.

Over and out. 

P.S. Thanks to the windows installation, and the fact that we had to take down the curtains yesterday, we had the BEST sighting of a Mama dear and two BABIES. Amazing and soooooo stinking adorable!

So adorable, in fact, that I shall overlook the fact that it might have been one of those babies that MUNCHED all of my potato vine from my pots on the front porch.

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