Sunday, August 1, 2021

A T-Town Zoo Day!

Oh my heavens, peeps.

As if the swimming/slide extravaganza,
And the manicures and pedicures, 
And the Bison/Pawhuska day,
And the aquarium visit,
And the OKC trip to see oodles of family,
And the gobs of desserts and souvenirs all weren’t enough…

The temperature dipped just enough today that we were crazy enough to throw in one, final adventure—to the zoo!

Truly, after the fun-fun-busy-fun of the past week, the kiddos are going to think life back home is sooooo mundane, ha.

I seriously can’t believe we were nutty enough to go for this after such a long week already, but it’s been awhile since we’ve made it to a traditional zoo—and even longer since we’ve been to the zoo here in Oklahoma, in part thanks to Covid world. So…spur-of-the-moment zoo, here we go!

Side note: I love love lurv this pic of my twins/not twins.

And I love love lurv this pic of my Chicklet so happy to have snagged her very favorite animal on the carousel. :)

So…one of the major perks of today’s outing was a giant new series of outdoor playground areas constructed since our last visit. Some seriously cool and unique networks of crawling and play.

In the Fall, when temperatures allow for easier outdoor fun, I bet my crazies could play here for hours.

Even today, they managed longer than I thought they would—and barely scratched the surface of all the fun zones.

Something to look forward to during our next visit that can perhaps happy during the cooler half of the year.

Despite my complete exhaustion at this point—ha—I’m so grateful for many days of LIVELY activity up here in Oklahoma.

It’s exactly what Summer Breaks should be made of

Over and out, peeps.

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