Monday, August 2, 2021

Home Sweet (Early August) Home

Well, peeps.

We made it home—and, boy, was it nice to be back in our casa, despite a lovely round of Oklahoma family fun.

Apparently, SA was doused by rain this morning before our arrival, and that always seems to make for the prettiest sunsets. So some Crikey family viewing before bed while the sky morphed in to all sorts of candy colors in our periphery felt like a pretty sweet welcome. :)

Looking forward to slightly cooler temps and chances of rain for a few days as we settle back in before the true home stretch to the school year begins.

There’s gonna be some quality time and goooood snuggling in our schedule this week. 

Gotta soak it in while we can before those pre-dawn chaotic school mornings kick in. ;)

Happy Monday, peeps.

Over and out. 

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