Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Vacay Letdown Meltdown

Well, peeps.

Much like the effects of eating these delicious donuts…our crew experienced the really amazing high of our Fall Break away, and then the inevitable low, thereafter.

(Please note: the above are our actual donuts that we snagged yesterday, in an attempt to help fuel Chicklet through dance class. They only helped about .05%.)

Basically, we had a jam-packed few days in Colorado. Full of lots o’ fun and activity—and later bedtimes than usual.

And then our flight Monday night landed at 9:30 p.m., which meant shut-eye for the kiddos around 11 p.m.—so about a thousand hours later than they needed. Especially on a school night. OYE.

I tried to hype my crazies up for their difficult Tuesday by telling them it would just be one day of exhaustion and powering through school, and then they could rest. 

But of course, it was a day of choir rehearsal (Chica) and dance class (Chicklet) extra-curriculars, and my babies were just plain OVER IT by the time we finally made it home.

I managed to salvage the really awful afternoon (lots o’ tears and bad moods) by assembling our beloved Potato Head Pumpkins (somehow, Little Man had already escaped before this pic), pizza for dinner in the dining room, and LOTS of tender loving care.

And it helped a bit. As the kiddos were much calmer and snugglier by the time I passed out melatonin to everyone and put them to bed early.

But since Chicklet was the most delicate of all the poor moods yesterday, I decided to ensure her Wednesday was vastly improved by meeting her for a surprise lunch at school. :)

This was an extra-special treat for many reasons. First: parents weren’t allowed to lunch in the building last year, so it’s been awhile. Second: Chicklet was actually the one who first suggested (a few days ago) that I could come, which delighted me to no end. And, third: I totally pulled off the surprise, as she had no idea I was coming. :)

I came bearing nuggets and fries and the latest in a book series she loves. And spoiled her with one of her favorite desserts.

It was happy time together.  :)

And truly, the most exciting thing for Chicklet was being able to sit up high on the stage that’s in the cafeteria space (that’s where they place visitors in this Covid world of ours) so she could feel special and wave down at all of her classmates like she was reigning as Special Child Extraordinaire, ha. It’s all about feeling loved and singled out, yes??

A speaking of singled out…it was super fun to be able to see Chica’s picture on the bulletin board for an award she was given a couple weeks ago.

Of course, I’ll have two more surprise lunches to pull off in the coming week or so, as all my babies need to feel the love.

But it’s definitely a privilege to be able to do so. And I’m grateful to fit it in as we’re wrapping up this first nine weeks of school. Hard to believe!

Happy Hump Day, peeps!

Over and out. 

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