Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Mason Jar Mummies!

Double post night!

All thanks to project Keep Kiddos Crafting And Occupied So They Can’t Get Cranky. ;)

Our Wednesday play date buddies had to skip today, and honestly, I felt it was probably for the best on our end, as well.

It gave us another post-vacay bit of recovery, and some time and space to be low-key and enjoy some spooky crafts. And just be together, in the playroom, without having to rush through our typical after-school to-dos.

I planned this easy project for the kiddos to tackle with their little friends, so we busted it out anyway, and it ended up such an easy-peasy and adorable success.

Mason Jar Mummies!

So many of the seasonal projects we tackle are of the pre-packaged variety, which is SO great when we’re busy and the kiddos want to get their craft on.

But every now and then, I hunt for something online that’s more of the DIY variety, in terms of tracking down simple supplies and starting from scratch.

This one could NOT have been easier. (Exactly why I originally planned it for a chaotic play date, ha).

It only required mason jars (which I tend to keep on hand these days, as we’ve used the jars or lids for many things)…

Some sort of medical gauze (we ended up using this one, and I was actually able to cut it down the middle for thinner wrapping that looked a bit tattered or irregular in spots)…

And googly eyes. Which we also typically have on hand. :)

Then we were ready to GO.

Though some gauze is sticky enough you might not even need this step, we placed a strategic bit of double-sided tape at the beginning and end of our wrapping.

And I just let the kiddos go wrapping nuts. 

We finished them off with googly eyes and…voila! 

Seriously SO simple it was like a five minute project.

I bought some perfect little flickering tea lights to place inside the jar that I wrapped and it looks so cute and adorable—especially at night. It’s been psyching me out all evening, tricking me into thinking it’s a candle, ha.

Little Man decided to use his as a coin jar. Chica used a tea light. And Chicklet wants to use hers for candy. :)

Since it was such a quick and simple project, and I already had the kiddos gathered upstairs, I figured it would be the perfect time to go ahead and assemble the Boo Bags that we love anonymously dropping off for neighbors each October.

I’m SO grateful I had to run to Tarjay today, because most of the Halloween decorations are completely gone, but I managed to snag what I wanted among the dregs.

Of course, we’ve made many Target trips in the past few weeks and have nothing else we NEED for Halloween, but I hadn’t grabbed the tiny toys and treats to put in the Boo Bags, so I was grateful to be able to purchase some of the last that was remaining today.

It’s insane (but EXCITING) that they were already placing some Christmas items in one of the cleared out aisles (squeeeeeeee!).

Our goodies ended up pretty cute (and so are my kiddos, tehe).

And they were pretty excited to go on a little walk to ring doorbells and run.

I have so many years of these memories, and I lurv it.

And…last but not least, for our spooky/crafty afternoon: 

The kiddos wanted another project after we were back from Boo Bag delivery, so I pulled this one out of the closet. :)

By the time we were done with all of this fun, homework didn’t seem so tedious. Add in a yummy ham dinner and the kiddos inventing their own Halloween band upstairs and it was a SOLID day.

It’s hard to believe that we’re just about two weeks from Halloween. We really do adore all of the creative fun this season offers, so even though we’ve already gone through tons o’ projects, we’ve got lots more to cram in before we shift to THANKSGIVING and CHRISTMAS. Holy moly!!!

Happy Hump Day, peeps!

Over and out. 

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