Tuesday, November 30, 2021

A Spicy Thanksgiving Challenge!

Okay, peeps.

Final post of the Thanksgiving catch-up!

Heeeeeeere we go!

So. It’s pretty much a well-known fact that I love to entertain/torture my family when hosting a holiday. This annual “challenge” that I switch up every year things are on my turf is truly one of my favorite things to organize, because it’s historical provided so much joy and hilarity during our time together.

As a recap, some of our past shenanigans have included…

A Flash Christmas Challenge
An Ugly Sweater Challenge
A Create Your Own Reindeer Persona Challenge
A Create Your Own Superhero Challenge
A Holiday Onesie Challenge

I mean…truly some of my favorite and most hysterical holiday memories:

And now this year, because I wanted the torture to continue, but thought it might be fun to switch things up from crafting and glue guns for one year, we have officially survived:

The Hot Sauce Challenge

For anyone who’s familiar with this insanely-popular YouTube series, you’ll know exactly what we survived:

Basically, the setup is this: A-list celebrities are interviewed while eating a series of increasingly HOT wings. The questions are brilliant, the videos are priceless, and for about two years now, I’ve been noodling over the idea of making my family suffer in this way, ha.

Luckily, I was able to pull this off fairly seamlessly, because you can actually buy the hot sauces that are featured on the show. Brilliant.

I mean…fans of the show will know (and fear) these two sauces:

Of course, I had to modify the process as bit, as there were several of us involved, so it couldn’t be a one-on-one interview process, like the show.

But that just gave me the chance to incorporate something I’ve wanted to do for ages.

I asked each of my family members to compile a list of “25 Things You Don’t Know About Me.” You know, like those featured snippets in celebrity magazines. And then I drew from those items and acted as the interviewer throughout the process, throwing out factoids and having the group guess whose snippet it was. Or I presented a portion of a factoid and had them fill in blanks. It worked pretty well for our purposes, though the REAL star (if you can call it that, ha) of this challenge was the SAUCE.

Again, we modified a bit using nuggets that we dipped in each sauce, since I didn’t have time to marinated dozens upon dozens of wings. But, truthfully, I think that’s the only way we survived!! Being able to use a fork and avoid lip contact with some of these INSANELY HOT sauces helped us avoid shutting down completely, ha.

And I was ready with ice water, milk, ice cream…anything to put out the flames!

All smiling at the beginning. Silly us. ;)

For the record, the hubby—with his delicate and problematic stomach—did NOT complete the entire challenge. He wisely stopped after about three or four. And poor Aunt Amber—who had been sick for the prior day—also participated in spirit, only.

But the rest of us suffered…severely. 

I think there’s something wrong with me—and all of us, really—that we enjoyed the pain of this so much, ha.

But, truly, it was a RIOT, as all of our family challenges are.

And it was all in good fun to switch it up from crafting for a year—before returning to something with less painful intestinal repercussions next go-round, ha.

In the meantime, Little Bro is really pumped to take the sauces back home and repeat the process with some friends at some point.

It really is a raucous and hilarious experience—and if you conduct it as we did, it’s also really fun to find out new things you might not have know about your nearest and dearest. :)

Okay…we’ve just about wrapped up all Thanksgiving 2021 posts! Tomorrow, I’ll probably share just a smattering of The Rest Of The Best. All the silly and sweet, random pics I captured that I don’t want to slip through the cracks.

Until then…HAPPY TUESDAY (is it only Tuesday???), peeps!

Over and out. 

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