Monday, January 24, 2022

MultiSports Fun!

Oh. My. Heavens. Peeps!

Today marked a very special occasion: the first day of Little Man’s after-school MultiSports program!

But first, a little background:

Last year, we enrolled our little dude in an after-school soccer program that was run through his preschool (gah! He’s just a smarty-pants GIANT these days that is so hard to imagine he was just in preschool).

Anywho. He loved his little soccer sessions and it was a great segue into a sporting activity for him because the timing was right after school and not on the weekend—woohoo. And, bonus: he got to take the e classes with some of his little school buddies.

Fast forward to this year and we knew we wanted to enroll him in something else again. Comparatively, the girlies always have their after-school dance classes each year, and now Chica has picked up choir as well. So we’re always cognizant of trying to find a little something special that appeals to each kiddo.

But I’ll be the first to admit we were a little hesitant to sign him up for the independent soccer league that we joined in the past (pre-pandemic; when the girlies each played a season), because it gobbles up a decent chunk of each Saturday. And we just didn’t want to go there at this time. Oye.

But we were going to. Because it meant that much to us, and him.

We were just waiting to sign him up for this Spring’s session when the weather would be more tolerable than the Fall (which is not Fall at all, in South Texas, but a blazing inferno).

Fast forward to two weeks ago when the BEST flyer came home in the kiddos’ backpacks, promoting an after school program through our elementary that would involve a trio of soccer, football and baseball. 

I mean:

Something that happens right after school???


Something that requires no weekend commitment??

Double check.

Something that involves friendly faces from school??

Yup. You betcha.

Something that gives our dude happy exposure to not one, not two, but three sports over the course of the entire spring semester, while he’s still young and figuring out what he loves.


I think I burned up my phone tapping so fast as I set up a login and enrolled Little Man that very day.

And he was so pumped that he made the most adorable “sports games count down” that he’s diligently tracked each day. I DIE. (Also, please note the face with football helmet on the paper, tehe).

Now. The bonus best of the BEST news: Chicklet was so pumped about the idea of some sports fun that SHE decided to enroll, too! And I seriously could not be happier about that.

I warned her that there might not be other girls involved (I was hoping that wouldn’t be true, but wanted to plan for the worst case scenario), but I was pleased to see a handful of little girls out there when I arrived for pickup. Woohoo, for some casual co-ed sports fun! We’re equal opportunist in this household, always.

And the final bonus on this MultiSports front: Chica was totally content to pass on this round (I love that she’s starting to gravitate toward her emerging loves, and they’re currently steering in the musical/dance direction). So I picked her up from school, as usual, and we had an hour to go back home, finish her math homework together, and then read some Harry. :) 

She thrived with some Mama/daughter time, and Chicklet and Little Man hopped in the car after their MultiSports class all muddy and happy and giving it a big thumbs up:

So…in summary: we are pumped about this MultiSports gig. It’s a win for all three kiddos—and for Mama. And it keeps our Saturdays blissfully unhindered. 

Yeah, sure, Mondays will be a bit of a beast because we have to turn back around after the sports pickup and take Chica to dance. But we’ve always done pretty well front-loading our week and trying to keep the latter part more free.

So…onward and upward with some new extra-curricular fun!

If only I could figure out a solution for this mud…

Washing machine, it is!

Happy Monday, peeps.

Over and out. 

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