Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Chicklet’s 8th Birthday!

Oh. My. Dear. GoodNESS. My beloved Chicklet is EIGHT YEARS OLD today, and I can hardly stand it!!! Where had the time gone???

This girl, whose smile lights up my life, is an absolute JOY, every day, and always, but I did my absolute best to give her a fun Wednesday—school day, notwithstanding. ;)

I met her for lunch and brought something yummy…

Just look how stinking adorable her outfit and wedge shoes are. I die…

And I got to come back a bit later with sweet (bundt cake) treats for her class. They sang to her and took turns sharing what they love about her, and it was such a special thing to be able to enjoy. :)

SO many of her classmates talked about what a great friend she is, what a hard worker she is, how kind she is, and even, how well she keeps their secrets. Trustworthy, indeed. So precious. 

But my favorite—inspired by the similes they are learning about right now in class—was the classmate who said she is “as bright as the sun.”


We really loved up on her as much as possible to round out what has felt like days of festivities, ha (typical for our household). But that’s how birthdays should be!

Thank heavens she was up for it today, because Monday night, she tanked HARD with a stomach bug that hit her like a sledgehammer.

Poor girl had one heck of an evening, really hitting rock bottom, and then fell asleep for a solid 13 hours STRAIGHT. Crazy.

I kept her home yesterday, just to be safe, and gave her plenty of R&R. It certainly seemed to do the trick!

Who knows…maybe we just partied too hard on Sunday when we set up her official family birthday decorations and gave her the Yes Day of her dreams, ha.

From the moment she woke until the moment she went to bed (late, after watching some Harry!), we were at her mercy. Catering to her every whim and getting plenty of those megawatt smiles in return.

Hagrid’s umbrella wand was a major hit!

Birthday cake for breakfast with an elephant for a chair, naturally…

A birthday project…

And the most magical (literally!) cauldron present from Mama and Daddy! She originally received this from Santa at Christmas, but it was broken upon opening and we had the toughest time getting a new one from the North Pole! Thank goodness we finally managed it. ;) Perfect birthday timing.

I foresee TONS of potion brewing in her future, tehe.

I love this girl like MAD, and I’ve had such a fantastic time making her feel as special as she most certainly is.

So, here’s to Chicklet’s 8th Birthday! And another JOYFUL year to come!

Happy Wednesday, peeps!

Over and out. 

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