Monday, April 25, 2022

Holy Moly Emotions

I mean…it’s like clockwork, peeps. 

A ticking time bomb, if you will.

Spring Emotional Overload is upon us, and the moods of little ones everywhere are on RED ALERT.

We’ve hit the school and schedule burnout time of year and my household is so ready for the shake-up of summer on the horizon. (And every Mama I know has confirmed their household is right there with us.)

I mentioned a week ago that I could totally sense the slow slide to summer creeping in on us, and, man, has it picked up speed.

Thankfully, a handful of my volunteer commitments through the school reached their peak about a week ago and are beginning to slow down just a tad (a teeny tiny tad), because I’ve needed to divert EVERY ounce of my spare energy toward my EMOTIONAL KIDDOS.

Lemme put it this way: there hasn’t been a school day during the past two weeks when I haven’t had at least one, sometimes two, or even—yippee (sense my sarcasm here)—three kiddos crying for one of a gazillion reasons.


These babies might be smiling, but they are giant puddles of hot mess express.

I also know Spring Emotional Overload is upon us because every week for the past three, we’ve received class emails from teachers and administrative staff discussing behavior, exhaustion, mental and emotional health, tips for powering through, and just general we’re-in-this-together, we-can-do-this kind of pleading and cheerleading, ha.

It’s nice to know you’re not along in the crazy boat, huh??? ;)

Luckily, my three are keeping their heads above water amidst benchmark testing, statewide standardized testing, homework, year-end assignments, and on and on and on. But it is a WHOLE HECKUVA LOT of work to keep them stable at the moment.

In fact, I had an hour long roller coaster with one of mine today (who shall remain nameless), who literally experienced EVERY emotion under the sun within that 60 minutes. To such a hyperbolic extent that I was sort of looking around for hidden cameras in case I was being punked, ha.

These kiddos, they have a lot on their little plates.

Thankfully—thankfully, thankfully—the bulk of our extra-curriculars are ending NOW. Like, as in tomorrow. And I couldn’t be happier about that timing. It will give us the final few weeks of school to focus on keeping everyone as easy breezy as possible, and maximizing some quality time in the afternoons so we can de-escalate any anxiety.

We have a MAJOR family trip planned for 36 hours after school is out for the year (Woohoo! And more on that later!), followed by lots of fun and family time and learning in June and July, so I know we can power through and end this year on a high note. :)

Thinking of all the other parents out there who might be facing this same household emotional overload.

Happy Monday, peeps!

Over and out.

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