Monday, April 11, 2022

Spring Reboot

Well, peeps.

It certainly feels like this week marks the beginning of the end of the school year, and a different phase of springtime. The phase that barrels toward summer!

I know that might seem premature since we’re not quite to mid-April, but if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that the final weeks of the school year absolutely fly by, and this year will be no different, I’m sure.

Another reason this week feels markedly different: I think we’ve finally made it through a handful of really hectic weeks, and even my body gave me a major talking-to today, as a result.

I did that thing that women often do: I got so busy I forgot to take care of myself, and sort of ran myself into the ground. I didn’t pay close enough attention to the signs that my iron levels had gotten too low amidst the past few weeks of craziness—until things finally got so severe today, a light bulb went off and I realized what an idiot I’ve been—oye.

Luckily, the hubby was able to work from home this afternoon and help with the school/extra-curricular runs, I started my iron supplements again, and I’ll be right as rain in a few days and stronger still in a few weeks. And next time, I won’t be so dense when things get busy!

In the meantime, I’m grateful to my body for holding out until I could finally take a breather, and I’m even more grateful for the slower pace—and the upcoming Easter celebrations—that we’re about to enjoy.

My crew really soaked up the family time this weekend, and I think the kiddos’ happy moods today were a testament to the fact that we all needed it. :) I can’t tell you how pumped I am to have these babies underfoot for some exciting summer fun. It’s hard to believe it will be upon us before we know it!

In other turning-a-leaf springtime news: I completed my annual, massive spring cleaning this weekend (probably an added factor to my body getting mad at me), but boy does it feel good to have it done.

Around this time every year, I do a major household purge. No stone is left unturned. Even the garage gets an overhaul and a wash.

Thinking back, I realized that last year’s wave was a bit later in the springtime since it synced up with the completion of our house restoration after our water disaster. As each room was put back together, I gave it—and all the items within it—a solid cleanse.

Nothing feels better than those trunk-loads I take to donation. Streamlining things around our casa is one of the best ways I fortify myself mentally to be a happy and effective Mama. And it always feels so good to complete a wave of it.

And I’m always so tickled to see the kiddos playing with different toys when everything’s finally organized enough they can see it all! 

I didn’t manage to take many pics throughout the process (and none of those hysterical before/after shots), but imagine EVERY closet and room and area whipped in to shape! It won’t last, but, dang is it a good feeling for the time being. :)

So there you have it. Our Monday status. We’re in the midst of our Spring Reboot so we can power through the end of the school year. It’s truly been a wonderful year for my crazies and I’m ready to finish it out strong.

And I know some joyful Easter celebrations will go a long way to boost that boost. ;)

Happy Monday, peeps!

Over and out. 

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