Thursday, June 30, 2022

Some Summer Hostessing

Well, peeps.

It’s been a jam-packed week of Zoo Camp for the kiddos and a gazillion other to-dos for me, as I tried to take advantage of the time while they were away.

I’d love to say the week involved even an ounce of down time, but that would be a big, giant, NOPE.


Part of the busyness involved me putting a giant check mark on something that was hanging over my head a bit: hosting our monthly, neighborhood ladies get-together.

Now. For a bit of context.

I really never hesitate to have people over to the house. I love being home, I love organizing play dates and get-togethers for the kiddos—or for kiddos plus parents. It’s not something I avoid in any way.

That said, this neighborhood commitment was a bit different. 

More of an assignment (we all rotate hosting duties to spread the burden), a mix of neighbors I know/don’t know, a time frame that’s difficult for kiddos going to bed, and some occasionally—how do I say this politely?—individuals who might be a bit above my particular tax bracket and a little difficult to connect with.

So…I’ll be perfectly honest and say that I had a bit of anxiety leading into it, and I was SO grateful to have a series of events bump my scheduled hosting duties to June instead of July. VICTORY, for getting it done, ha. And with only a few days’ notice of my change of date so I didn’t have to spend too much time worrying.

Though it did add a bit to my plate during an already busy week (after a few busy weeks) I tried my best to make it fun for me and add a bit of my type of flair—while taking advantage of all the summer-themed decor that made my heart happy.

For example…we busted out our new-ish frozen drink machine for a really happy adult beverage…

Hello, Blended Watermelon Lemonade (featuring mint and rum). Yummy and summery. :) Especially with the slice of pineapple and tiny umbrella I added to each glass, tehe.

And I found some very San Antonio serving platters, ha.

And who doesn’t love arranging a few lovely trays of nibbles?

The hubby was my partner in crime for the beverages beforehand, as he’s really the mixologist of the household. He prepped some gorgeous margarita glasses with his speciality hibiscus rim.

All in all, I think I powered through the readiness of this evening with a relatively stable frame of mind, ha. And it gave me a good excuse to tackle a tiny bit of yard work, mulching and flower pot freshening for the sake of our curb appeal, so I guess I can mark it as a win/win.


I’m super glad it’s over—especially as my babies weren’t very thrilled to be excluded and upstairs trying to sleep with a handful of noisy women downstairs, ha.

This was my smile right before everybody arrived, and I can assure you it was twice a big at nearly midnight when I shut the door on the last guest and breathed a sigh of relief that I’d done my neighborly job. :)

Regardless of whether these type of events are completely in my wheelhouse or my favorite thing to host, I’m endlessly grateful for the network of women who have established these regular get-togethers, as it certainly helps to make it feel like a connected community.

So…yay, for some light summer hosting. Yay, for some ladies time and catching up with familiar faces and some newer ones. 

And yay for being done. ;)

SO glad tomorrow’s Friday. We’re looking forward to the long weekend, peeps.

Over and out.

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