Sunday, September 25, 2022

Little Man’s 7th Birthday!

Okay, peeps.

This is my Little Man as a stinking SEVEN YEAR OLD!!!

Although…considering the past four days and all he’s been through—including the state of his health on his official bday—perhaps this is the better caption:

So…to rewind.

You might recall Thursday afternoon, when Little Man’s health tanked—again!—and I found him passed out and bundled under his blankets.

Welp. He pretty much spent the next 48 hours like this:

Poor dude had zero appetite, suffered through several rounds of throwing up, some awful congestion, sleepless nights, and a yucky fever. Booooo. (And Chicklet eventually bit the dust, as well.)

Still…as Sunday approached he was adamant we continue with our family celebration plans. And who can blame him?? What kid wants to wait longer for presents?? Ha.

So…the hubby and I spent the evening setting up his requested Minecraft/Pokémon/Sonic (with a dash of Dude Perfect) bday—despite a really long day of yard work (more on that another day!). And as always, it was super low key. ;)

We set up tiny “challenges” a la Dude Perfect throughout his decorations. Little things he needed to tackle before moving on to the next section. Hence the cones and rings and floats.

Obviously, the kiddos have been enjoying tennis for quite some time, but recently, when the grandparents were in town and brought their gear, Little Man got a kick out of the pickle ball paddles. It was an easy thing to procure for driveway play (so we don’t have to chase the tennis balls be lobs into the air). So that was one of his gifts from us.

Don’t be alarmed by the present pile! Only three were from us; the others were from extended family. ;)

Poor dude was still quite feverish when we hauled him downstairs to see the setup on Sunday morning—hence the crossed arms, due to shivering. Oye. 

But it was still nice to see him smiling after a few rough days!

Poor, tired smile. But he was trying!

He did get a handful of really solid presents this year. All things that will bring a lot of entertainment value. Woohoo.

And of course…our silly, indulgent tradition of the siblings getting a tiny present, ha.

No surprise…after about 20-30 minutes, my poor boy was ready to crawl back in bed and rest. But at least he had new video games to play when he was up to it!

By Sunday evening, he was finally showing a bit more animation. Enough to let me know that we might have been through the worst of things.

Still. Neither his nor Chicklet’s fevers officially broke until midday Monday, so they were home for one final day of rest, and I did my best to get them to eat as much as I could.

Hilariously, when I asked my boy to hold up seven fingers for an official birthday pic, he told me he’d hold up seven tater tots instead, ha. I’ll take it!

He and Chicklet spent a decent bit of the day resting, and working some video game time into the mix, as well. Not bad for a sick day birthday at home.

Look! He had enough energy to jump!

Still. More rest was needed—and I was over the moon when he asked me to come snuggle with him in his bedroom. It felt like MY bday treat. :) :) :)

By evening, he had more feistiness than he’d had in days, and I knew he was well and truly on the mend. Chicklet, too! Amen, Halleluiah!

Now we just have to work on feeding these thin little legs to make up for days of lost food!

I love my boy like mad (even on days when he drives me mad!), and I’m so sorry he was sick for his official birthday and the days surrounding it.

But he’s made it through and he still seemed to have a solid time celebrating—even if it was a bit low key this year. 

So here’s to this willful, intelligent, silly, determined, hysterical hot mess express I love SO MUCH. I have absolutely no doubt he’ll kick arse and take names as an official seven year old. Heaven help us all!

Happy Birthday, my crazy boy!

And Happy Tuesday, peeps!

Over and out. 

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