Saturday, December 17, 2022

A Hustle & Bustle HoliDAY

Well, peeps.

After crawling across the school finish line yesterday with a super-busy schedule, we went to bed with plans to stay at home today, regroup and be a bit lazy.

But Amen, Halleluiah, we managed to kickstart this holiday break with the loveliest family day out instead. Thanks to a spur-of-the-moment whole day excursion that turned out to be exactly what our whole crew needed.

Typically, I hold our weekend time absolutely sacred and try not to pack it with too much that might be exhausting. But I was emboldened by the stretch of open calendar before us, so we just went for it, dressed and departed before we could second guess, and headed off to the really fun outdoor shopping area across town.

Our spontaneity was rewarded with the best lunch at a new-to-us restaurant that’s now an instant fave.

Then as we walked outside in the crisp, glorious weather, I notice Chicklet chatting with a little boy about his soccer ball, and I thought it was pretty bold but not unusual that she was befriending a stranger.

But lo and behold, he was no stranger! It just so happened to be one of her longtime classmates and good buddies—and friend who was supposed to attend our Flash Craft party.

Thus ensued an absolutely magical, impromptu hour of our kiddos playing soccer on this common area turf outside the restaurant and just having an absolute blast.

I mean…talk about the best dog pile of cuties having fun and letting off steam.

And talk about using up energy (Daddy included, ha).

Add in an ice cream break and more soccer and our kiddos were wiped and happy—and guzzling water!—but smiling, smiling, smiling.

After we parted ways, we continued on our merry shopping way with a fun bookstore stop, a few other random errands, and then dinner out again before we ever made it home—after dark.

It was just the bit of holiday bustle we were hoping to build into the schedule but weren’t sure we could make happen.

Which makes me all the more grateful for the fun of it all—little friend run-in included. :)

Happy Saturday, peeps!

Over and out. 

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