Thursday, December 15, 2022

Holiday Teacher Gifts—Snowman Style!

Okay, peeps.

I shouldn’t even type this, but I think (I think, I think) Chicklet’s flu fever might have finally broken after a full week.

I’m hesitant to say Amen, Halleluiah, because we’ve had a lot of two steps forward, one step back with her recovery. 


I’m fairly confident that we’ve made it through the worst of it—for her round, at least (knocking on a giant piece of wood here).


The hubby was home from work early today and might officially be done with the office and working from home from this point forward during the holiday. Woohoo! 

Obviously, we were all thrilled to have him in the casa for the late afternoon, but the downside was the lack of crafting willpower, as we all just chose to be LAZY. And I was A-okay with that. We let the kiddos have their iPads, and the hubby and I totally sat on the couch with some Netflix.


In absence of an official 12 Days of Christmas Craft, allow me to submit our teacher gifts for this holiday season. Hello, adorable snowmen!

I think they turned out so cute. Just a fancy vehicle for the gift cards I always gift the kiddos’ teachers, but a very jolly vehicle, if I do say so, myself. :)

You might recall that I’ve gifted the teachers Gift Card Trees in past years. Miniature little Christmas trees that I hang gift cards and mini ornaments from.

We’ve always loved our little Gift Card Trees, but by this point, we have a handful of repeat or year-over-year teachers we’re gifting to, so I wanted to come up with something slightly different for this go-round.

I found these plain snowman bases at Hobby Lobby (half off, to make them about $5 each). And then I gathered the little hats, stick arms, buttons and “scarves” for embellishments. I had carrot noses, but felt they’d probably get broken off as the kiddos carried them to school, ha. So we went with a slightly minimalist vibe.

I was wise enough to begin the snowmen assembly two weeks ago during one of our family movie nights (Home Alone that night, so I have happy snowmen/movie associations). Not being rushed at the last minute allowed me to really enjoy the crafting process instead of resent it, ha.

And it’s a good thing, because look at the snowman army I had to build! The kiddos have a lot o’ teachers.

Obviously, I give multiple gift cards of a larger dollar value to their core teachers—and thank goodness, that’s really only about five of them.

The rest received a slightly smaller amount, but just as much love because it takes a village, and there are so many educators who positively impact my kiddos on a daily basis, and I try to give those educators at least a small token of appreciation.

So…there you have it! Our snowmen teacher gift craft for the day. ;)

And a happy pic of my slightly-weakened but out-and-about girl, who went to lunch with Daddy and I, to try and dip her toe back in the real world.

Soooooooo ready for a busy but FINAL day of official responsibilities tomorrow before school’s out.

My crew is READY.

Happy Almost Friday, peeps!

Over and out. 

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