Wednesday, March 22, 2023

FLAT Little Man

Okay, peeps.

So…this mini, “Flat Little Man” has been popping up in some posts for a couple weeks, and I can bet at least a few of you know what (who??) he is. :)

He’s Little Man’s version of Flat Stanley!

Now. If you ask me about Flat Stanley, I’ll tell you I totally know what he is (who he is?) but to be honest, I really know nothing about the book series he comes from, ha.

I only know that teachers the world over tend to have kiddos make their own version (in their own likeness) and cart it around taking hilarious pictures. 

Now. I’m sorry to say that this wasn’t given to Little Man as an official project. (Cue the boooooooos.) 

Rather, Little Man’s 1st grade teacher gathered up three or four of the more advanced readers in his class for a book study, and this was the book she selected. :) Well—one of the books in the series, that is.

And as a bonus bit of this book study, Little Man’s teacher gave each student a worksheet to color in and enjoy.

Naturally, we kind of took it and ran with it, even though it wasn’t an official thing, tehe.

First: Little Man put a LOT of thought into exactly how he wanted to pose for the picture we’d print off and attach to his “Flat” body, ha. He wanted a bit of a smirk, and he nailed it.

Also. Who knew our home printer could produce such a great photo printout?? (Though, yeah, sure, it sucked up pretty much all our ink, ha.) The green of Little Man’s eyes—thanks to the green of his shirt that day—was stellar!

Alas…the picture was a wee bit (over-exaggeration, here, ha) large…

So we shrank it, cut it out, attached it to the “Flat” body…then put the finished product through the good old laminator.

Little Man was THRILLED with the result, and carted his likeness to dinner that night. And fed it chips, of course. ;)

Later that weekend, Flat Little Man came along on our Saturday adventures, as well.

And we had all sorts of fun arranging him in silly situations. :)

Then, the following week, we were ridiculous (and brilliant!) enough to bring Flat Little Man to Sedona, because…HELLO, perfect photo opportunities!

Like, sharing a cheesy breakfast sandwich at the hotel…

Or hiking up Bell Rock Trail and perching Flat Little Man somewhere high, tehe.

I mean, we got such a kick out of these silly trail pictures.

And, come on, can you get any cuter than this???

Top marks for scenic situations, if I do say so myself.

A pause for a brief rest stop…

Then more family and sibling shots…

Jumping with an insane background…

And…priceless panoramic!

We’ve really had the best time goofing around with Flat Little Man, and I foresee him popping up in random situations in the future—ya know, just for kicks and giggles. ;)

It’s almost a bummer we didn’t have to turn anything official into school, so there was no need (beyond this post!) to accumulate the photos and print them out.

However, Little Man’s teacher was thrilled to bits when we shared some of the pictures by text, so, yay, for spreading some joy.

So…there you have it. An unofficial “Flat Little Man”project that brought us loads of smiles!

In more current news: I managed to make it through a whole, “normal” day, post illness—though I must say, my stamina is a bit low and I’m absolutely ready for bed, now.

But, onward and upward—and only two more days of the school week! Woohoo!

Happy Hump Day, peeps!

Over and out. 

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