Thursday, April 27, 2023

Fiesta Party Fun—2023!

Oh my goodness, peeps.

Amen, Hallelujah, the last of the most intensive school volunteer duties is COMPLETE.

Today, we Fiesta partied hard, and it was tiring and amazing and bittersweet (Chica’s last elementary class party!), but a wonderful event and memory.

I really can’t emphasize the chaos and fun insanity of these events. It’s a whirlwind. Plus some whiplash. Some whirl-lash. 

But seeing as this in now about my seventh or eighth official class party to throw since we’ve lived here in San Antonio (more, if you count McKinney duties), I’ve learned a few tips and tricks along the way:

1. Take preemptive Advil. Always.
2. Wear dark clothes (there will be sweat).
3. Music makes things festive.
4. Command strips are a must.
5. Overbuy decorations and throw them everywhere. Especially the ceiling.
6. Plan, plan, plan extra games and crafts just in case.

And, lastly…take a “before” selfie, because you will not have time or the mental capacity for pics amidst the madness, and afterward, you’ll look like you’ve been put through the ringer, ha. 

It really is a privilege to be present for these fun events, and to (hopefully!) bring some joy and memories to these kiddos.

Exhibit A: Chica in the midst of one of her Minute to Win It “challenges,” balancing a dice on her head and crawling across the room, ha.

But, as super-fantastic-amazing as all that fun is…it’s just as wonderful to wrap these things up and hang up your party hat…at least until the next round. ;)

In other fun Fiesta happenings…we came first thing in the morning for the kiddos’ homemade float “parade.” Cute and awkward, as always. Another one of those milestone “musts.”

For a post about the kiddos’ floats, this year, including better pics, see here:

And if you want to scroll past Fiesta posts, heeeere you go!

HAPPY EARLY WEEKEND, peeps! (No school for us mañana, thanks to this Fiesta holiday).

Definitely ready for a day of NO 6 a.m. wake up.

Over and out. 

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