Monday, September 4, 2023

Goldenie The Snail

Okay, peeps.

I’m not gonna lie. When the hubby and Chicklet went on a fun jaunt to the pet store today, just because she wanted to “see some creatures,” I was a bit worried when they sent me a voice text saying, “hey, Mama, don’t be scared, but we bought a new pet.” Bahaha.

Let’s just say I was so happy when they came home with a totally tiny and useful little new cutie. A snail named Goldenie, who they specifically bought to help with the algae in our fish tank. :)

Chicklet was so proud to show off our new family addition to her siblings, and to have been the one to pick her out. Totes adorbs.

Of course, before settling little Goldenie (Goldie, for short) in her new home, I took the opportunity to clean out the fish tank.

If you’ll recall, we won our little fish at the school fair back in the spring, and I’m thrilled to report we’ve kept our Ombré happy and alive for about five months. A totally victory—even through vacations and learning about feeding and caring for her. I feel like if anything happens to her at this point, it’s just the circle of life and we’ve done well. Whew.

We tend to have a bit of algae build up about every 4-6 weeks, which I feel is an appropriate length of time in between tank cleanings. It’s not too terrible of a situation.

However, two tips from the pet a store to help us go longer. First, we prefer to keep a blue light on the tank at night because we don’t love Ombré to have to be in the dark, and apparently, that increases algae formation. So if we let the tank go dark, that will help. And second, Little Goldenie will clean things up as a way of life. Yay, snails. ;)

It was so stinking cute to watch Goldie do her thing and make her way around the tank. And so cute to watch Chicklet watch Goldie, hehe.

It was also kind of cute to watch Ombré navigate her new tank mate. Ha. Maybe it will be nice for her to have a buddy.

One final note: apparently, there were a bunch of snail colors to choose from, and I lurv the gold of our new family member. She really pops in the tank, so I applaud Chicklet’s selection. Well done, my girl. :)

So here’s hoping little Goldenie is a happy new family member and that we can keep her alive and comfortably coexistent with Ombré.

Despite a cold that took me down, plus another migraine today (yay, Fall), it was a really great family weekend, and I’m grateful for a shortened week ahead.

Happy Labor Day Monday, peeps!

Over and out. 

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