Saturday, September 23, 2023

Little Man’s 8th Birthday

Okay, peeps. 

My boy, my BABY BOY, is eight years old!!

(Welp, technically, he’s eight on a Tuesday, but today was his DAY).

And I bet you’ll never guess his birthday theme??? Ha.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for the win!

Alas…although I was dreaming up a million different ways to turn out casa into a sewer with some amazing decorations, about a month ago, my boy said: “Mama, I think I want to do that thing where I print off invitations and pass them out to my class.” I DIE.

So, a raucous birthday party with friends at an indoor trampoline park was the way we marked his big day! 

I’m not gonna lie, it was a little strange not to create some elaborate family-style soirée within our house. Last night, I was like: wait; we don’t have to stay up until midnight decorating??? Ha.

Still. There was PLENTY to do in order to get ready for a rowdy party with buddies, it was just a completely different vibe!

I’m so glad Little Man was firm on the TMNT theme from the beginning. So even though this celebration was different from past years’ we still had something to work around.

I couldn’t resist getting a little fun with the party favors: since TMNT luuuurv pizza, I ordered miniature pizza boxes and used them for the gifts, tehe.

Pretty fun! And it helped me scratch that creative birthday itch just a teeny tiny bit. ;)

Seriously, though: it was SO weird to only place these gifts out last night. I felt like something was missing!

Still, my boy was SO excited to wake and know that it was finally the day of his party. We opened family gifts, and let him demand his bday breakfast.

I love this reaction, tehe:

I bet you’ll never guess his chosen Halloween costume this year—NOT. He finally got the “weapon” to complete the ensemble. :)

The location of the party is familiar to us after years of living here and attending other bdays there. We had very little to do—beyond trying to spice the space up just a teeny tiny bit!

Although these photos are heavily redacted (ha), it was a really wonderful turnout of his closest buddies and lots of friends we’ve accumulated over the past few years.

I think we ended up with, like 24-26 kiddos by the time a handful of siblings were thrown into the mix. I don’t know the exact number, but the mini pizza boxes were gone, that’s for sure! Ha. And there were two dozen.

It was seriously SUCH a joy to watch my boy run around like a maniac and celebrate with his friends. He was a sweaty, happy, silly, BLESSED little boy, that’s for sure!

By the time the event was over and we’d packed up the car, it was 2 p.m. and the hubby and I hadn’t eaten yet for the day. Oye. So OUR treat was some better pizza—and coffee, ha.

When we made it home, we tossed all the kiddos in showers (and I took one, as well) to try and get rid of all those germs, ha. Then we let Little Man open up his embarrassment of riches (a.k.a. Friend Gifts).

Who knows if this friend birthday party situation will be the new trend, or if family/at-home decoration parties will prevail. There are certainly positives and negatives to both. 

But in the end, I only want my kiddos to feel happy and loved and celebrated on their special day, and this was certainly that!


Over and out. 

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