Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Our Broken Streak

Okay, peeps.

By this date, last year, we’d accumulated six kiddo absences. Four for Little Man, and two for Chicklet. So I suppose I should consider it a major victory that we made it this far, but…

Our streak has ended. :(

Gosh dang it. I really really wanted to make it to October, and we were so close! Alas, Little Man was struck down with a hefty case of strep throat today that came on fast and furious (and the nurse said his positive test flared immediately when she ran it).

He was totally giggly and silly and rambunctious when he woke this morning, with just one small mention of a sore throat that he ranked pretty low on a pain scale, which is pretty typical for my allergy-ridden boy.

But by noon, we were getting the fun call from the school nurse (while I was sweating and stressing through fitting feisty middle schoolers for choir uniforms, no less, ha). I raced off to grab my boy who was quite puny and somber. :(

Fever, chills, major headache, sore throat; alllllll the things.

In fact, he tanked SO HARD by the time we were at the pediatrician’s office that all the staff members really thought he was going to be their first positive case of flu for the season. Seriously, he was that bad!

He vacillated between burning up and falling asleep through tears. And the nurses felt so sad for him that they dosed him with meds on the spot and gave him a Popsicle to bring his fever down. Poor dude. 

Nearly every single time we’ve had strep in the household, I’m reminded that it’s a lot worse that I think—though, blessedly, it clears up quickly with antibiotics.

I’m still not convinced my boy doesn’t have another little virus he’s battling, as well. The full viral panel results will be back in the morning, so I guess we’ll find out, then.

In the meantime, I’ll have a buddy with me tomorrow. LOTS of couch time and snuggle time and recovery time.

When I think about the timing, I’m just SO grateful that my boy made it through his happy and rowdy birthday party on Saturday—and through his official birthday yesterday, before he was taken down and out.

I mean, who knows? He could have even snagged the germs AT his birthday party. Oye.

So I’m going to say my prayers of gratitude for the fun we had, and hope that this will pass quickly and not spread to the rest of the household.

And as a final post send-off…enjoy these pics of my bday boy (pre-strep…or at least percolating strep, ha) when Daddy and I went up to school yesterday for lunch with him—and Chicklet, whose lunchtime overlapped, since it was an early release school day. We actually got to take them home with us, since their school day was ending twenty minutes later, ha.

Happy Hump Day, peeps!

These days of ours are never dull.

Over and out. 

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