Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Chicklet’s Return To The Water!

Okay, peeps.

We interrupt the overload of posts on all things puppy to bring you some MAJOR, non-puppy news:

My little Chicklet fish has returned to the water!

If you’ll recall, this past summer we reinstated swim lessons—an activity the kiddos have enjoyed since their infant days.

It was a move primarily driven by my Chicklet and her love for the water. I think I rambled more about it, here:

Chicklet has always been such a happy water girl, so I was thrilled to give her the opportunity for more water time this past summer—and then so sad when we had to hit the pause button at the end of August.

We needed a bit of time to wrap our heads around the new school year, Chica’s middle school transition, some of the other extra-curriculars that were beginning again…all that jazz. It’s a lot of schedule juggling.

But I made a promise—to myself, and my girl!—that we would start back up again as soon as possible, and we made it happen, tonight.

It was so stinking heart-warming to see how excited Chicklet was to begin lessons again. She had a countdown going, wrote the date on her school agenda, and even referred to Swim Lesson Launch as the “best day, ever” as it approached.

Hysterically, she took a bath this past weekend and splashed water all over our master bathroom tile, and when I reminded her it was a tub not a pool, she gave her apologies. I told her it was okay; that I knew she was a fish. Then she lifted her head up out of the bathtub water and looked right at me as she said: “yep, and a fish belongs in the water.”

Amen, child o’ mine. Amen. :) 

She was READY to be back in her element. Literally.

I kid you not, when we walked into Lifetime’s indoor swim area and I released both Chicklet and Little Man into the splashy wild, it was pure JOY.

Chica’s Wednesday night Confirmation commitments are winding down, so she’ll be able to join her siblings next week, and then on a rotating basis for the next month.

All three of my crazies love their water time so much. I’m so grateful for the fitness and safety and happiness it brings them. And I’m especially happy my little Chicklet is back in her groove.

More mañana, peeps on the tough day little Coda puppy had with her spaying procedure! Oye. It might be a tricky few days around our casa.

Happy Thursday!

Over and out. 

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