Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Our Puppy: Grooming!

Okay, peeps.

Life continues to be kind of insane in the membrane. There are lots of little house projects still in the works, packed kiddo schedules, two early release school days this week and another next week, puppy Coda is getting spayed tomorrow, Chica’s getting her bottom braces, the kiddos are starting back up with another extra-curricular, and just…life.

Needless to say, there are a gazillion happenings I could post about related to any of the above (or a hundred other things), but…my brain is fried right now, so lemme just post some mindlessly adorable pics of the littlest terror who is making we want to pull my hair out, and then I promise, at some point, I’ll get my act together and stop going so many days in between posts.


Look. How. Cute. 

Coda puppy had her first full haircut last Friday, and, I DIE. They even sent her home with this giant pink bow, and it slayed me.

Right after Christmas, we’d tested out a mobile groomer, but didn’t fall in love with the whole process—plus, they didn’t actually trim her verrrrry outgrown hair. Only some key areas. So I was keen to get her in for a full grooming before her spaying. 

Yet again, we hit a home run with a groomer at the facility we’ve already fallen in love with for her away play/boarding. If she always comes home this soft and snuggly and stinking cute, my pocketbook is going to be really empty. I’m sooooo grateful we found and bonded with this place.

And Coda, too!

Also…just look at this facial expression, ha.

Alas…I really wanted the bow to make it until the girlies got home from school (Little Man was already home sick because, yup, why not throw some more illness into our family chaos), but she started eating it, so it had to go. 

But then I caught these explosively adorable pics of her with one of her beloved ping-pong balls. Really helps give you a size perspective regarding just how tiny she still is. :)

Is it Friday, yet?????

More maƱana, peeps.

Over and out. 

P.S. The groomer told the hubby at pickup that Coda’s puppy coat is making way for her adult coat—and she’s going to be a curly girl! Can’t wait to see it. :)

P.P.S. Hoping my sweet girl makes it through her spaying tomorrow without too much trauma. More soon.

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