Sunday, June 9, 2024

Telluride 2024: Day 4!

Okay, peeps.

It was our last full day here in Telluride and the main event was refreshing (read: 40-degree chilly San Miguel river) white water rafting!

The one and only time I’d been white water rafting prior to this, I was a spry teenager. And ironically, back then, we had a tour guide who did all the work while we just enjoyed the ride, ha.

This one was much more hands (paddles?) on, and super fun. Also: apparently, my kiddos and hubby are adrenaline junkies because the category two and three rapids were mild sauce for them, and they were hollering for category fours, ha.

No, thankyouverymuch.

But a super fun adventure for all of us, and definitely a new adventure!

Now enjoy an explosion of pics!!

And sort of in backwards order…our other happenings of the day. :)

Bridal Veil Falls in the background…

Tomorrow, we have to start the return back to the real world.

It’s going to be a tough re-immersion, with a dive back into a busy week (of VBS!), but this has been such a happy trip that it’s hard to be upset after such fun and escape!

But holy MOLY, do I miss my Coda girl, and I can’t wait to snuggle and squeeze her!

Okay…more mañana.

Over and out. 

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