Friday, January 10, 2025

Cozy Puppy Fashion!

Okay, peeps.


First week back in the school/January routine! Whew!

There were some emotional ups and downs—along with some weather ups and downs, which felt roller-coaster appropriate.

In fact, for a while there, we were kinda sorta hoping for a “snow” day, but, alas…it never materialized.

With wildfires raging in Los Angeles, and a lot of peeps to the north dealing with bunches of snow, I suppose we should consider ourselves thankful to have avoided any extremes.

That said, it’s definitely been COLD and WINDY, which has called for some…puppy layers!

I have no idea how we made it through last winter without diving into this accessory cuteness for our beloved Coda girl! I mean, just look:

I. DIE. (Over both the hubby and the puppy cuteness, tehe.)

I suspect we didn’t get into the puppy clothes game last January/February because Coda was so young and tiny, and we were still figuring things out. She wasn’t on regular walks, yet, or using the restroom outside when the coldest snaps came through.

But, now…it’s all the clothes cuteness, all the time, and HomeGoods for the win! I went there in mid-December and found a treasure trove of andorable and inexpensive items. Like…

This totes adorbs puffer coat! Easy to wrangle on our girl with just a zipper along the back.

I mean…I love.

And these pajamas have been super useful for all the cold mornings when the chill is insane—not to mention, all the evenings when I’m worried our girl is too cold in her crate while she’s sleeping!

And she seems to be totally okay with having them on—probably because they’re loose-ish and cozy like her favorite blankets.

Put those hands together (the pajamas plus the puffer) for the coldest of the walks this week, and you have a cuteness explosion

We have a few other items for Coda girl, like a Velcro, faux-fur, green “coat” that we used today, and even these hilarious Santa pajamas that we didn’t manage to use before Christmas, but will still fit, next year.

It’s been so lovely to have these items on hand for the turn in the weather, and I have no doubt I’ve created a monster (in myself!) and will constantly be on the lookout for cute, puppy-fashion gear, ha.

And speaking of monster…earlier this week, I had to buy the largest, longest, puffiest, warmest coat I could find, so I could manage the temps during Coda girl’s twice-daily walks, and I’ve dubbed it the Yellow Monstrosity (for obvious reasons):

But it keeps me SO warm! Mission accomplished!

Okay…more as I’m able to get myself back in a posting groove. Until then, HAPPY WEEKEND, peeps!

Over and out. 

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