Thursday, April 13, 2023

April Thursday Randoms

I’ve got a few catch-up posts to tackle, but I’m too tired tonight to put together more than short sentences.

So…here’s some tidbits from our day, instead:

The cacti in bloom. Equal parts gorgeous and lethal.

There’s a bee down in that bloom. I tracked it pollinating. :)

Our favorite quiche for dinner. I felt pretty awesome for managing to whip it up before the kiddos’ tennis lessons so it was ready just after. :)

The hubby being all nimble to grab Little Man’s soccer ball that he kicked over our neighborhood recreational center fence line…

The tidbit Chicklet wrote about her favorite color…

And, lastly…the gorgeous sunset that flared out the living room window as my babies and I were SNUGGLING on the couch, watching a movie (an incredibly rare weeknight occurrence!)…

Happy Almost Friday, peeps!

Over and out. 

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