Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Chica’s First District Strings Concert!

Well, peeps.

Tonight marked the first event in what will soon be an avalanche of end-of-the-school-year commitments. 

It’s hard to believe it’s already that time; and yet, I am SO ready for the change of pace the summer months will bring.

But between now and approximately seven weeks from now (when we mark Memorial Day and declare the lazy hazy days begun!), there’s a lot of ground to cover.

School fundraisers, field trips, standardized testing (UGH), 5th grade graduation events (just, STOP), sporting events, class parties, and…performances! Like the one tonight, that involved more than 900 string students from 5th grade through high school.

I mean…LOOK at all those string students! And this was only half the district, as the evening was split by cluster in to two nights!

I’ll be honest: the place was so packed and the seating was so tricky, I couldn’t even see Chica from where we were sitting, ha. But we did get one hysterical, Where’s Waldo-type of video while the kiddos were playing a practice round.

Regardless, it was a fun night to celebrate this first year of Chica’s violin participation. :)

We’ve kept it so easy breezy with only positive, stress-free feelings, but it’s clear from the talent showcased tonight that middle school strings will be a ramp up. And I know my girl will be ready for the challenge!

Especially because she’s a happy and focused kiddo, who’s surrounded by sweet and supportive little friends. :)

I’m gonna have some tired babies tomorrow, as the event (and then the lengthy departure from the parking lot!) kept us out later than usual. Worth it, though.

We’re going to do our best to work some extra sleep into the schedule before testing rolls around next week.

And I’m also going to do my best to catch up on a couple other posts mañana.

Until then…Happy Tuesday, peeps!

Over and out. 

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