Friday, April 21, 2023

Watch Dog Duty—2023!

Well, peeps.

The week has flown by without the chance for all those catch-up posts I was planning. Imagine that, ha.

Oh, well. At some point I’ll clear the backlog of tidbits. Until then, I’ll just keep plugging away with the latest and greatest of all the current events. And today’s was pretty major, because…

The hubby spent his second annual day up at school, being a “Watch Dog” for the kiddos. Which essentially means he got to be with them, for alllllllll the live long day!

For a more eloquent and in-depth description of this day of volunteer fun (along with a nearly-identical howling coyote pic, ha), check out this post from last year:

To say the kiddos were looking forward to this milestone Friday would be a major understatement.

It’s an absolute joy for them to drag the hubby all around the school and show him off as the silly, entertaining, fun-loving jokester and Rockstar Daddy that he is.

Much like me, the hubby is totally in his element with young kiddos. Most days, I think we fit right in with humans of a single digit age more than with human adults, ha.

Plus…let’s be honest, the hubby is basically my fourth (or, I suppose, my first?) child all day, every day, so spending his day at school is pretty much on brand. ;)

More and more, as we barrel toward the final weeks of this school year, I’m aware of how fleeting these elementary years really are.

Chica will be heading off to middle school in the fall, the other two keep aging up and up, and it’s just all the more precious to spend as much time with our crazies as we can—before they don’t want us around so much.

It’s a beautiful thing, making these memories.

Even when it wears us out!

Hoping for a bit of a lazy Saturday mañana—our first in weeks and weeks! We really need it.


Over and out.

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