Sunday, May 7, 2023

Little Man’s Basketball Wind Down

Helloooo, peeps, from the Sunday of another jam-packed weekend!

I’m a bit tired, and my wrists hurt from too much physical activity and phone typing, so…I’m gonna keep this brief and just share some super adorbs pics of my boy with his Sportsmanship Award from basketball today! 

My stinking third-born had his liveliest game of the season today!

He made six baskets today (plus a free throw!), which is an all-new record for him by a landslide, and he was also awarded the team medal for the week. :)

This foray into basketball has been a huge success for Little Man. You can read more about the program here:

It’s been lots of fun, a manageable schedule, enjoyable games, and just the kind of happy, positive atmosphere (thanks in HUGE part to the hubby as a coach!) that will keep Little Man coming back for more.

I can’t believe we only have one more game next Sunday before the season is over.

I’ll be the first to admit that I am SO ready for summer to begin and a changeover of extra-curriculars (or lack,  thereof!) to commence.

But I’m grateful for yet another successful activity in the books this year.

All in the interest of keeping these babies of mine happy, engaged and diversified, ha.

In other news…the hubby and I attended a neighborhood Kentucky Derby party yesterday, and: a) our randomly-selected horse was the winner, ha, and, b) I stole this headpiece from Chicklet (she wore it as a toddler for Easter), and it worked like a charm, tehe:

Okay…off to unplug for bed and ready myself for another marathon week!

Is it June, yet???

Happy Sunday, peeps!

Over and out. 

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