Sunday, October 13, 2024

Mohonk 2024–Day 4!

Well, peeps.

Yesterday’s low temperature became today’s high. What a flipped weather scenario we experienced!

It was cold and rainy and misty, and you’d think this might make for a yucky day, but we adored the dreary-eerie vibe. Definitely made for some incredible scenery and stunning pics.

These were taken first thing in the morning, just after breakfast:

Despite the rain, we bundled up and hustled to our 9:30 a.m. family archery lesson and it was really fun to try our hand at something new. I imagine we might have spent much more time on the range if the rain hadn’t worsened.

Again, we powered on to our next scheduled task: a guided hike with the property’s naturalist to learn a bit about foxes, coyotes and wolves. 

It definitely got a bit cold by the end, though, so we were glad to head in for some lunch and hot cocoa.

So…at this point in the day, it was mid-afternoon and we kind of downshifted a bit. The hubby and I took a load off for a short spell while the kiddos enjoyed some pumpkin decorating, and I kind of expected to continue in that lazy way until dinnertime.

But…then we got a wild hair to take one last hike to Sky Top Tower, despite the cold and rain, and, man, am I glad we did. Definitely one of my favorite parts of the trip.

It was like walking in the clouds, hiking to higher elevation among the mist, and after yesterday’s hustle and bustle around the property, it was so peaceful to only come across a handful of other hikers.

And, of course, I took a gazillion more pics with the eerie mist at the foreground.

Higher and higher we go with each of these pics…

Until we’re up at the tippy-top of the tower…

Back down at the resort after dinner, Chica took this fun pic, looking down the central staircase:

Then some final misty-foggy pics of the lake before the sun disappeared for the day:

Again, after three jam-packed days of stunning weather and go-go-go activity, I really loved this change of vibe and atmosphere. And we definitely came here to feel that autumnal chill, so…mission accomplished!

We wind down and depart tomorrow, and as much as I’ve loved this glorious vacay, it’s always good to get home, so…

More mañana, peeps!

Over and out.

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