Thursday, October 17, 2024

Chica’s Character Award!

Okay, peeps.

It’s been a whirlwind week, which is to be expected after our glorious autumnal vacay. There have been so many odds and ends I’ve wanted to post, but…life. Truly, I’ve just been a little drained by the time it’s approaching ten o’clock each evening (when I’m usually posting), and ready to unwind and prepare for the next chaotic day.

Hopefully, I’ll be able to tackle some additional catch-up posts this weekend, but for now, I’ll start by sharing some pics from a really lovely event this week amidst our busyness: Chica’s character award ceremony at school!

I really can’t say enough amazing things about this child o’ mine. She’s always been such a beautiful soul, but it’s been a joy to watch her acclimate and thrive in her middle school years, considering it’s such a fraught and tricky age!

Since all things middle school have been new to us with Chica, it was a huge surprise last year when we received notice halfway though the school year that our girl was going to be recognized with a special award:

I can remember so clearly the anxiety that came with this award ceremony, since we had no idea what to expect. And I can also remember the massive pride we felt as parents when we arrived, participated in the ceremony, and realized what a big deal it was. Only 3% of the kiddos within the school receive such an award (that is bestowed by sort of a nomination and team-of-teachers vote, by grade level) and they handle the ceremony is such a tailored and special way.

Welp. I thought for sure after last year that it would be a one-and-done kind of recognition for Chica during middle school. But, lo and behold, my fantastic kiddo managed to snag the award again, this first nine weeks of school, and I seriously could not be happier to acknowledge her hard work and kind spirit…and to make her squirm like this:

Despite her lingering feelings of embarrassment (we’re not doing our parental job if we’re not mortifying her a bit) it was particularly fun to see her more at ease this year versus last.

And, goodness, what an embarrassment of riches to watch her receive these accolades, yet again.

At this point, my girl is kind of baked, personality-wise. She’s an incredible young lady, stable in a way tweens and teens rarely are, and though I know this might flip on a dime…I’m so GRATEFUL for the human she is.

Awards aren’t the point in our household. At all. But kindness and generosity of spirit most certainly are.

I have a feeling my girl is sharing those things in spades, and the love is just being returned. :) I’m so happy to watch her shine.

Okay, more mañana, peeps!

Over and out. 

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