Thursday, May 2, 2013

44 Weeks--And Mending!

Yesterday--Day 3 of the Fever Virus--Chica and I had another low-key day.

Of course, we had our little phot shoot:

And we made sure to stay hydrated:

And watched a bit of our favorite pick-me-up Glee performance:

And sometime in the late-night hours, her fever finally broke. Yay!!!

Tonight, we were able to confirm that it was the Fever Virus and not something else (in case there was still any doubt), because she showed signs of the pin-prick rash (on her chest and tummy) that the nurse said might present itself when the fever broke. The good news is that it causes her no discomfort (supposedly). So I'm hopeful that tomorrow, she'll be a teensy-bit more back to herself. Especially since she finally wandered more than five feet away from Mama this afternoon so that she could scour her DVDs. Progress! Very good progress :)

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