Tuesday, April 30, 2013

My Feverish Buddy

This is my buddy, who has literally been attached to my hip the past two days:

There are worse things to have attached to your hip, right??? Right.


Poor, cute thing still had her fever when she woke this morning, so I called her pediatrician's nurse and found out there's a fever virus going 'round these parts.

What's a fever virus, you ask???

Well, you see, it's this virus thingy that present with a fever.

Complicated, eh???

But seriously: it's a virus that presents with a fever and no other symptoms (beyond the not-feeling-so-great-ness that comes with a tiny body trying to fight a virus of any kind).

So apparently this virus passes within 3-5 days (and when the fever finally breaks, it may give the child a pinprick looking rash). So we're on Day 2 of fever virus watch. And we'll see if, in the end, we think that's what she really has, rather than just some nasty teething side-effect.

In the meantime, some pics from our low-key day...

We call this one "Bed Head":

And this one is "Soothing Mid-Morning Bubble Bath":

And this would be "Fresh-Air Break":

And last, but not least, "Siesta":
If anyone had a doubt as to whether or not my child is a little under-the-weather, the above is total and complete proof, since she is not--and I repeat, not--the child who EVER sleeps on the go during random times like that!

Updates tomorrow.

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