Monday, June 1, 2015

Quick Purse Project

Part of today's agenda to help kick off the week and get over the Monday morning slump: a quick little Melissa & Doug purse project (as usual, purchased at Tar-jay). 

It came with three purses but Chica just chose one today, so I'll save the others for another round.

Assembly was easy-breezy. Just add the double-sided tape that was included, then fold:

Then, of course, the decorating bit, which is always the best:

Naturally, Chicklet snagged a sticker as a snack:

It was a light, if not overly-engaging project. The mess-free glitter dolls still rank the highest in entertainment value.

But that said...Chica did cart around her creation today. Stuffed with pacis and jewels (you know, the really important possessions in life.)

Happy Monday, peeps!

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