Thursday, December 24, 2015

12 Weeks--For Realsies


I may have, kinda sorta, accidentally, not-on-purpose, but not-surprising-since-I-have-three-crazies-under-the-age-of-three-and-a-half, possibly, most likely...miscounted Little Man's age for his weekly pics.


(And by that, I mean I definitely miscounted.)

The error happened when I took nine week pics--two weeks in a row. And then went right along with 10 weeks.

Again, can I get a whoopsies.'s the get-us-up-to-speed-and-corrected 11-week pic when I discovered my error:

Naturally, he's crying, saying, "Whaaaa. My Mama doesn't even know how old I am!"

And here's the accurate (scout's honor!) 12-week pic from Monday:

Doesn't he look handsome???

And happy and barefoot!

Hi, sisters!

Can I get an over/under on whether or not I'll screw up again before the year is out??? 



P.S. This catch-up post brought to you by oodles of car time. Over and out.

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