Thursday, December 24, 2015

Santa Presents--2015

Helloooooo, again.

Yet another post brought to you by oodles of car time :)

This one is a bunch of pics from our family time yesterday morning because...Santa came early (as he knew we'd be traveling)!

It should be noted for the record that I bought adorable, coordinating snowman pjs for the kids. And then Texas decided to give us a 70-degree Christmas, so I had to return said pjs, and we just owned our lack of coordination ;)

Okay, disclaimers complete. Now gifts! I'll show you what Santa delivered. He was very aware of our preference for only three presents per child. We've said it before and we'll say it again: 1) our kids are more than blessed as it is, 2) they get overloaded if they see too much, and 3) if three gifts from the wisemen was good enough for Jesus, it's good enough for us!

Here's Chica's:

The girls each got an art toy, a learning toy and a fun toy.

Here's Chicklet's:

And here's Little Man's (socks/shoes, books and his fun sound bar toy):

Oh, and stocking goodies:

They kiddos aren't yet to the stage where they immediately freak out over gifts. It's more like: look,, is this really for me; what do I check out first? It's so cute to see their little brains working in overdrive.

That said, the sound bar and the bow & arrow sets were pretty immediate hits :)

Little guy was just taking in all the action (as he usually is, ha).

What?? You mean I can eat this???

It was so lovely and low-key to let the kids just explore every little thing. And we're continually grateful for the self-enforced limit on the gifts. It really helps to keep all the blessings in perspective.

All the material gifts aside...this year we have three happy, healthy children and absolutely could not ask for more.

God has been so good to us, and we're looking forward to celebrating His birth with our extended family now.


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