Monday, December 28, 2015

13 Weeks

My little, smiley, nugget of joy is lucky 13 weeks!

Awesome, since his parents have been married 13 years as of yesterday. 

We planned it that way.

Took a lot of calculations.


I love him sooooo much.

His smile literally lights up my life.

I don't even mind that he's still up (at least) every two hours at night.

Well, I mean, I mind. But I don't mind mind.

Because I know the poor guy is just weeks away from his sleep training boot camp.

And I also know that thinking of him like a big boy in his crib makes me want to weep huge, crocodile, hormonal tears.

They grow SO. DANG. FAST.

I mean, Chica's 182 weeks old. HOW DID THAT HAPPEN???

In other news. We're hoping the hubby can avoid work a couple more days this week like he did today.

We had lunch with this view, and it was pretty magically nifty:

The girls want to ice skate so badly.

Official Christmas 2016 goals:

1. Take the girls ice skating. I think it's reasonable for next year. They'll be coordinated enough...I hope.

2. Rock the s*** out of some mischievous elves on our shelves (and everywhere else in our casa.)

3. Bake. And bake some more. Our germs kept us from doing any this year. out!

Love my fam.

Happy Post-Christmas Monday, peeps!

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