Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Our House of Ick

So...here's my trio at the doctor today:

And now, let's rewind a few days for the lead-up summary.

First, Little Man bit the (health-related) dust. He powered through a round of viral ick that gave him a fever for three days, and then a rash when it broke. Been there, done that, I feel like a dozen times. But it doesn't make it any easier for the wee ones to bear.

He's currently still a snot monster--and boy, does he become a rage-aholic every, dang time I have to wipe it. And he's also a little sleepy from the still-restless nights. But, I think he's working up from his low point this weekend.

Now, Chicklet, oh my sweet Chicklet. She was the next to bite the dust, and also the official reason for the doctor's visit, because...

Four and a half years into my life as a parent, I've finally got a babe with an ear infection. 


For the record, this is so not a milestone I wanted to achieve. In fact, I assumed since God blessed us with the insane challenge of milk protein allergic babies that he was going to give us a pass on this whole ear thing. But, nah.

I knew Chicklet was sick when her congestion and fever hit, like brother. But she's my champ sleeper--even when ill. 

Not this time, though. She had a rough go of it for two nights and started to hold her ears today. So I wasted no time getting her in, and, yup, double ear infection.

My poor girl is in pain, and I feel so bad for her. I tried to give her some downtime today, but it was hard, given the schedule demands of the other two. Boooo. At least she was mildly distracted by some movie watching.

Chica is fairing the best (knocking on wood here!) though still coughing and congested. But can I tell you how sick I am of our household being sick?!

We've had a rough eight weeks or so, and I've gotta assume two things:

1. Preschool germs suck.

2. With three kiddos, there are three host bodies for gunk, and three babes to keep the ick rotation going--unless they take the 'rents down, too, and then we share five ways.

Gonna start upping our family probiotics, stat!

Wish us better sleeping luck tonight, peeps.

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