Thursday, October 13, 2016

Fall Purge & Randoms

Helloooo, peeps, happy almost-Friday, and welcome to the innerds (terrible word, yes?) of my mind via this random list o' thoughts:

1. The fire department paid an educational visit to Chica's school today, and I love this pic. Totes adorbs, you might say (if speaking in way-too-young-for-me slang). She's holding the sign :)

2. Chicklet decided to drive us home (and I almost let her, as her form has really improved from her last preschool drop-off. I kid, I kiiiiiid.) 

3. Since Chicklet is starting to sound out words with me, I'm scouting out pre-reader books I like (and unfortunately, I do not like most, ha). So Chicklet, Little Man and I paid a visit to the bookstore while Chica was at school, and I'd love to say it was fun, but Little Man is in a destroy and dash phase that made this environment less than ideal (understatement alert). But Chicklet was still--you guessed it--totes adorbs.

4. After the bookstore, we returned home to the bowels (also a terrible word, yes?) of our master closet--also known as the latest victim of my top to bottom Fall cleaning purge. If you'll recall, I had one of these rounds over the Summer, too, so apparently I'm genetically programmed to do this every season. "Joy."

5. Little Man was totally entertained by his ongoing destroy and dash antics, but I bought Chicklet's affection and attention through this sweet toy I'd purchased and set aside for a rainy day weeks ago.

It's an adorable wooden house with different doorbells and locked doors (with fun keys) for each of the four sides. 

She dug it.

6. But my Mommy Guilt only sequestered them in the closet for so long before we returned to the wild and free fun of the playroom--where Little Man rode the owl for maybe the first real time ;)

7. Following the hilarious lead of a neighbor girl who popped by and ran around on our garage broom, pretending to be a witch, my girlies now think they're witches, and we can't make it to the car without a mandatory broom ride.

If only I could put them to use cleaning.

8. My babies love each other. And beat the crud out of each other.

9. While Chicklet and Little Man took good naps (thank goodness, to help their healing bodies!), I lured Chica down to my closet as I finished up the last of the purge and let her look through some of my childhood jewelry and trinkets.

10. She was adorable about it and kept thanking me over and over for letting her see it all, ha. My girl is getting way to old. Waaaah.

11. And lastly, a hilarious story about my eldest...

I don't know if I've ever posted about the fact that she calls everyone sweetheart. It's something about her that I love, and I so hope adults don't think it's condescending as she ages, since she means it with nothing but the sweetest intentions. And now, with that setup...a conversation I had with her about one of her little friends on the way home from school.

I call Colton "sweetheart" sometimes. (Giggle, smile).

Awww, do you?

Yep. But he told me if I call him "sweetheart" one more time, I can't come to school anymore.

And, I DIE. Nothing. Could. Be. Cuter.

Over and out, peeps.




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