Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Happy 4th! (2017 Edition)

So...we've been super busy and active and entertained over the past few days!

But since I'm currently WIPED OUT) from all that business, activity and entertainment), I'll just give you the Cliff's Notes version of our day along with a crap-ton (technical term) of pictures.



The synopsis: too tired to tackle something more involved and ginormous like The Perot Museum, we opted for the Dallas Children's Aquarium, and then popped next door to the Discovery Garden, and both were just wonderful, easy-breezy, and the kiddos were wildly entertained.

I mean, Chicklet shrieking over the sea horses in the aquarium was priceless.

And so was the accidental splash attack Chica and I received from some happy stingrays we were feeding and petting. 

The butterflies were beautiful, the weather was surprisingly lovely, and we didn't have any angst. Happy, happy, joy, joy.

Top that off with some pool time post-nap and the kiddos had a fantastic day.

Happy Independence Day, everyone!

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